

怎样才能成为一个Scrum Master和土地第一次面试吗?


有很多的信息关于如何准备Scrum Master面试。但是,你如何土地面试吗?是什么品质,心态和人格特质需要一个Scrum Master ?在这节课中Scrum.org社区的播客,职业过渡专家和前敏捷教练,2022世界杯国家队排名Nada Buhendi连接主机戴夫西讨论这些问题给予一些指导在这个垫脚石的Scrum Master。他们深入好的讲故事的重要性,知道你想要什么和更多!了解更多关于没有什么结果,职业过渡播客联系她





你好,欢迎来到Scrum.org社区播客。2022世界杯国家队排名我是你的主人,戴夫西方CEO here@scrum.org。今天我超级兴奋,因为我们谈论的一个话题,很多人给我发邮件或LinkedIn我,大概是职业转型和着陆那完美的scrum master产品负责人的工作。所以我幸运的Nada Buhendi潮湿和多雨的多伦多,加拿大。但很明显,多伦多通常是阳光明媚的和可爱的,她是一个职业。我要谈论你一会儿,抱歉。现在,专家职业转变。但我们说的原因是她是一个敏捷教练。这世界,这敏捷世界肯定是她知道很多的事情。所以欢迎播客系列没有什么结果。

Nada Buhendi:1:18



很高兴你来。所以我们前面谈过的前提是,我们要讲真的,怎样才能成为一个scrum master和土地,第一次面试。显然,你有一些经验你演过这个角色,你离开这个角色。现在你在帮助他人进入的位置。所以我想我们真正开始的地方是你从哪里开始呢?你知道,我想象,我坐着,也许我,我在技术工作,也许我不是。我认为scrum master,这听起来太棒了。我爱帮助别人我爱使更好的流程我知道完成工作和流动的价值做得更好。我怎么我从哪里开始?

Nada Buhendi:2:14

是的,这是一个很常见的问题,我个人以及我如何回答这是真正把自己的个人旅程,从我个人是怎么我的脚到门。它发生,你知道,在我的职业生涯中,我介绍了敏捷的一些形式,但我从来没有官方头衔,scrum master或敏捷教练。我在工作,你知道的,与很多大型科技项目咨询公司德勤和埃森哲。我总是着迷,你知道,一个完整的时间scrum master或全职敏捷教练。所以我进了一个兔子洞的学习,你知道,让我PSM为PSM两个培训,和那些人看到我周围可以闯进来。感觉就像我已经把我的整个职业生涯。然后当我终于实现敏捷转型教练,我最终放弃了文本。



Nada Buhendi:3:54

是的,它教会了我什么是不只是跟随趋势的重要性。,我认为对我来说很多哦,我的上帝,你知道,作为一个敏捷教练或scrum master是非常酷的。对自己,我很快意识到,这是我帮很多客户,他们称之为身份危机。我应该是一个产品经理吗?我要的产品负责人吗?我要一个scrum master吗?我意识到自己是我最关心的当然我在乎我在乎的人的团队,但是我的兴趣和我的天才都集中带,在产品以及客户。这是我最大的优先级,因为敏捷教练,你的工作并不一定代表人们做出决定或权力的那个位置。你幕后的幕后的授权人想出最好的你知道,方法。哎哟。 And I would sit in these meetings and see everyone decide on what goes into the product. And the creative side of me was just bad getting frustrated. So I quickly realized that about myself that I have always had a passion for product. And that is when I started my own company building my own digital products, and still leveraging you know, my my agile knowledge. So I think the first thing I would recommend for people is to understand their career archetype. And this is something that I advocate a lot. Know who you are, first know what your tendencies are, do you enjoy the people and the process as in empowering teams and giving them the right process in order to achieve value for the organization? Or do you want to spend your time working, being customer facing and really, you know, building products that truly delight customers? Once you figure that it becomes easier, and the patterns that I see when it comes to Scrum Masters and agile coaches, they put the team first, first and foremost, it doesn't mean they don't care about creating value, but to them, the team is the priority. So that is number one. And then the number two is, which I find a lot in people who fit into the bucket of non tech roles, where they've acted as coaches and other professions and feel that what they have done completely translates, you know, to the software development world, and therefore they think they can just get the job easily is, you know, agile coaches and Scrum Masters are very different than professional coaches out there, we actually have to talk from experience, we are not pure 100% coaches, we also have to be mentors in a way. If you haven't been in the trenches with developers, if you haven't either been a developer yourself building software, or maybe a business analyst, you know, analyzing, you know, information gathering requirements, you know, from customers, being part of a team, where you're like sweating to push a release, you're just not going to relate, you're not going to be able to share stories, and mentor, you know, the teams that are struggling, ask them questions that are gonna help them figure out what they need to do next. So my, you know, the, the first thing I would say is figure out what you want. And then the second thing I would say is surround yourself with the roles within the team, and get that experience so that you can actually act as a mentor, and not just a coach who basically asked these powerful questions that miss the context in terms of tech.


这是,这是有趣的。所以信贷,你知道,我们要求很多,可以有人非技术成为一个scrum master ?我的自然反应是肯定的,当然,他们。然而,他们很明显,当你强调来从不同的角度,可以非常有价值。有时他们带来的信誉不一定有,因为他们缺乏经验。所以建立信誉可以重要的显示值,证明这些事情。所以我真的相信,你不需要交付软件的Scrum团队构建软件,或者如果你是一个Scrum团队构建遗传研究,或者做那件事。但是我认为,如果没有,你不得不考虑其它技能变得非常有价值创造信誉,并创建该连接与团队。这说得通吗?是基本的本质,

Nada Buhendi:52

我认为人们会挂在技术这个词吗?我认为有很多的误解在技术意味着什么。,人们想到的第一件事当他们认为技术这个词是我需要一名开发人员,我需要知道如何代码。好吧,让我告诉你一件事,我从来没有真正开发人员。你知道我不能代码,来拯救我的生命。我退出工程学院,因为我是一个可怕的编码器。但我有一个非常分析性的思维和解决问题的大脑,我可以我可以跟开发人员。你真正需要做的。如果你不能,如果你可以测试是否你足够技术在scrum团队,问自己,我能跟开发人员有一个伟大的谈话,我们可以探索选项,我能理解为什么你知道,这种方法并不可行,能够把它翻译例如客户或利益相关者或帮助一位高管了解为什么我们不能提供这个。如果答案是否定的,那么你技术不够。 And I'm doing the air quotes here. So technical doesn't mean that you have to be a developer. But it just means that you need to have contextual knowledge you need to understand how software is built.


我认为这是超级有趣的我,但我也觉得,不过,也许我们将小兔子洞,我想把它恢复到这个话题。但在我们之前,我们离开这,沃伦,是使用兔子洞的类比,我只是为了爱。不过,我确实认为,存在一定程度的误解由开发团队的角色在scrum master,能够带来的价值。我认为有时他们看起来他们是那些技术领导人,和我现在在最广泛的意义上使用的技术,有亲密关系,香肠是怎样制成的,当最终,现实情况是,他们需要能够把所有的碎片一起香肠,但他们需要有一个整体的观点。但他们不一定要所有的专家。和我越来越看到过渡机构,因为他们意识到这意味着什么是一个领袖,什么是一个经理,什么是一个仆人领袖,我看到,改变很多,在历史上,它总是你做你的工作,你得到了晋升,直到你是一个经理和一个scrum master真的只是一个管理器由一个不同的名字,你知道,这并非如此。你只是说几句话吗?

Nada Buhendi:11:42

是的,诚实的愤怒,当这种情况发生时你知道,它不是黑色,宽。没有绝对的,对吧?当我说你需要,你知道,一些背景知识和理解如何构建软件。另一件我想说的是,你肯定不想成为一个专家。事实上,我看过你知道,Scrum master在前1%。受益什么他们是有点遥远从开发,他们能够给开发者的创意空间,我想,你知道,我会邀请人们真正理解的天才,我爱,你知道,敏捷能力框架,例如,,你知道,丽莎Adkins导致理解你带的天才,也许你的天才,和区别你是来自技术掌握背景对你有好处,太棒了。你可以与您的开发人员进入杂草,也许你甚至可以赞美团队。因为他们没有技术专长。太棒了。但也许你有业务精通。 And I come from that background. Personally, I spent, you know, my, the beginnings of my year as a technology consultant, as a management consultant, you know, navigating, you know, difficult conversations, helping you know, business stakeholders who had no idea what they wanted, articulate what they want. And because I had that business mastery, and I initially played more of a business analyst role, that is the value that I brought in, that is a superpower. And then you have people who are jet eyes, when it comes to transformations, when it comes to change. They're able to reduce the fear that people have when they're trying to change their habits. And that is how they add value. So at the end of the day, I think it is also knowing what your zone of genius is, and doubling down on it. Rather than trying to force your path into a path that is not in alignment to you. For example, if you're a Jedi at Transformations, why would you go into a rabbit hole of you know, getting into development and, you know, learning about AWS, or all of that technical stuff. It's a waste in a way because you really should be capitalizing on what naturally comes to you, right? Not saying you shouldn't find gaps in your knowledge and improve it but don't overly focus on things that you know you're not gifted at.



Nada Buhendi:十四37



所以第一是找出你真正想做第二个你的激情,这将与你的超能力,你的优点,你的缺点,等等。别让我听到那些我认为消息,也许我错了,但不一定让那些缺乏技能或缺乏经验,得到的方式。但注意。并确保你看看你的长处。这可能意味着你需要一些角色的旅程,而不是直接跳转到角色。好的,很酷。我们明白了,。好了,假设我的超能力,我的愿望是一致的,我一直在做类似的东西。也许我是一个业务分析师,也许我是一个测试人员也许现在我在哪里所以我觉得我有信誉,等等。也许我现在想去的scrum master的事情。我怎么知道面试吗?

Nada Buhendi:47

是的。所以很有趣当人们研究Scrum,他们,他们试图把它应用到软件开发的世界中,但他们不应用于他们的职业。你知道,因为敏捷Scrum迭代的事情。我觉得人们觉得他们需要瀑布他们的职业,他们必须弄出来然后让大跳。所以它会从一个睡莲叶子到另一个地方。所以你的第一个睡莲叶子是你的手在工作经验的,你知道,你在软件开发团队,无论角色。就像现在,你为什么要限制自己扮演的scrum master ?通过标题?为什么你不像,你知道,就像,我最多,最好的建议步骤中,我有一个客户,例如,成为敏捷导师在一个顶尖的博彩公司从来没有官方头衔不是非常喜欢过于面向产品的组织。他做了很多自由职业者,他开办了自己的公司,他建立自己的,你知道,视频游戏,虽然他不知道如何代码,只是组装,一群人从事项目的热情和他的游戏在苹果商店。 And how he got in, was because he studied agile. And even though he wasn't officially a scrum master, he brought in that knowledge to empower his team, his current team that he was in. And that is how he was able to bring in those examples and stories into interviews. Because here's the thing, you could fake your way into getting an interview, you could stuff a whole bunch of keywords, and you can do what a lot of people do in terms of thinking that they can, you know, fool, you know, the screeners to get in. But then you're just going to look like a fraud. When you have the conversations, how are you going to draw from your experience, I call them transformation stories or case studies that you need to share of your past. And it doesn't have to be that you had the title, it could be a passion project that you were on. Implementing, you know, Scrum values and accelerating the value, it could be in your current team, you're unofficially playing that role. That even makes it more powerful. Because you are able to influence without authority, you know. So that's, that's my recommendation.


让我瘦的scrum领带或敏捷类型字精益不那么完美,因为,因为,嗯,我绝对不是一个scrum master。我肯定总是一个产品的人。但有趣的是,当你谈论你的《创世纪》这个角色你现在和你的生活。我绝对共鸣,因为我喜欢,哦,我的上帝,我无法想象它是如此可怕,不必每天都做Scrum Master。但让我们瘦一点你说的建筑周围那些经验创建转换案例研究或案例研究示例中,构建你的投资组合或大多数的经验,因为我认为这是我看过在社区的失踪。2022世界杯国家队排名人说,我有PSM两个,他们想成为一个scrum master。现在,顺便说一下,PSM两棒极了,我不会说

Nada Buhendi:第19章20节



我看着我看着你的分数,你做的很好。但但它的增加与例子。所以经验主义是Scrum的关键部分。这是一个例子,我是如何做到的。例如,你的例子,游戏公司或我你知道我运行一个教堂俱乐部或你知道的,我负责波士顿的足球俱乐部,你知道,提供,证明提供证据,证明,我真的很喜欢你说的他们不认为你的职业生涯是一个瀑布式项目。把它作为一个敏捷项目。我认为这非常有趣。因为最终,你有一个目标。是的,很酷的产品目标,你有你想提供增量的价值,你——你跳上。我积累的经验和积累,积压,然后证明它,改造它,学习和实验。 That was all those words really do resonate with me. So I really like that. So how do you though, you know, you talked about screening briefly and getting your resume on top of the pile? Do you think that if you can demonstrate those, this is how I did this? This is how I did this. Here's some here's how does it get through the system, though, to go and work for a large bank or whatever

Nada Buhendi:20:53

我的甜蜜点,因为我也是一个简历,注册简历的作家,我理解应用程序跟踪系统是如何工作的。在幕后,周围有很多的误解有机器人发送,这是疯狂的。我已经采访过很多招聘者真正使用这些系统。和我交谈过的供应商的供应商出售这些系统,我用过的自己。这是发生什么事,对吧?在筛选过程。大部分时间组织筛选、离岸外包团队,第三方球队,因为他们只是不,尤其是较大的组织,他们没有能力处理大量的应用程序。我们说200,你知道,提交,可以发生在一个星期,可以迅速斯诺鲍和积累到400 500年,无论如何,对吧?如果我把帽子的招聘人员,或过滤网,没有深层次的对角色的理解,正确的,没有大量的上下文,我给一个清单。和告诉我,这里有一个清单。 And I want you to I know, I know, I want you to select the top 10. Right? If I'm looking at the resume, and the language that is being used to describe those experiences are not in alignment with the way an Agile coach or scrum master speaks, then I'm going to throw away the resume and a recommendation that I give people. Sure you've built that knowledge, you have case studies, that's wonderful. But you got to know how to frame your experiences in the language of your new avatar. It's sort of like actors who auditioned for a role. They need to show up like that character, they need to speak that, like that character. So when I see people who describe their experiences as managed a team, I'm like, Are you kidding me? That sounds like a project manager, not like a scrum master and Agile Coach, your your your job is to guide and coach. And if you're not using that vocabulary, a you don't have an A B and a good understanding of a role. B, you're also not going to resonate with the people who are screening. And if you're not meeting that checklist, you don't show that you you're comfortable facilitating ceremonies, you don't show that you're comfortable guiding product owners and prioritization, then you're just missing all of these, you know, empirical, you know, evidence of these things. And if I don't see them, I don't care that you have certifications, I don't care that you know, about agile Kanban, whatever, right? Yeah, there's no, there's no proof of success. And on top of that, it's not even enough that you did these things. Sure you did these things like everyone else. How did you move the needle for the organization, because at the end of the day, a company wants their bottom line to be impacted. And if what you've done hasn't, you know, help the company in some shape or form improve their profitability? Even as a scrum master? Indirectly, you help the teams do that, then there's nothing special about you.


是的,所以坚持下去。所以看看能不能总结这个。是的,重要的是要确保你使用的词是符合你们所感知到的角色。也很重要,你展示这些价值掘金足够短,所以人可以很快理解他们。显然,值是非常重要的。结果是超级重要的描述,我认为我所听到的,或者我只是读到它,如果一个组织招聘Scrum master,或敏捷教练不同的清单,这个词在经理不是一个警告信号,你知道这个词,有点像告诉我的团队如何做到这一点。你知道这是在哪里?在那里,也许这不是一个伟大的公司工作。这或许是件好事。所以忠于你,你,你的信念在敏捷,因为这将很明显,不仅让你读你的简历,但这也意味着你更有可能你会有当你真正快乐。

Nada Buhendi:二五21

是的,我认为保持真实,保持正确的,但也明白你作为一个值得信赖的顾问。我得到很多的基本问题与我的客户有时,哦,我的上帝,我不知道,我有这次面试,和本公司是混合动力车,也似乎更多的指挥和控制。这不是100%的敏捷。事情是这样的,这就是为什么我告诉人们试图闯入scrum master的开始你的职业生涯。这是艰难的,因为你也需要有技能的人来导航困难的情况下,它不是,有理论知识是不够的。它不是,它是不够的知道如何构建软件,您还需要有弹性,你需要好的导航政治情况。所以,你必须明白,当他们雇佣一个scrum master或敏捷教练,仅仅因为他们有困难了。



Nada Buhendi:26:29




Nada Buhendi:27:27

是的,你知道,我帮助我的客户改变他们的方法在采访中,它开始变得令人愉快。他们说一件事,你知道,我做了一个演讲,你知道,Scrum联盟一度,我分享我称之为医生框架。和我的整个哲学的面试,你想显示作为一个医生,或者你想显示为一个值得信赖的顾问。当你这样做,和你分享你我所说的案例研究,从的角度指导或转换的故事,而不是英雄。就像一个改变游戏规则,因为这是你的角色,你不能炫耀你的证书,和敏捷知识和你是多么神奇。你必须告诉你的故事从男性的角度,我引导这些团队,他们是惊人的。这就是我如何授权。这是我创建的组织的影响。一旦你这样做,如果你有骗子综合症,这将帮助你因为它将这种注意力从你。,你也将被视为一个指南,你知道,这将是更容易接受这个组织,因为他们不想让他们的人觉得他们知道比他们好。 Right. And it creates that conversational dialogue.


嗯,有意思。我几乎认为你你说的是,它几乎是携带的类比是敏捷对你的职业生涯。显然,面试是一个很好的机会来展示一个scrum掌握类型技能或敏捷教练技巧。和所有的仆人领导。所有这些都专注于对人的价值的结果,你知道,确保事情是透明的。创造环境,面试一样有价值的这样去做,当你真正在工作中这样做。很有趣,它总是有趣的,我们只要就像睾丸的孩子糟糕的鞋子,你知道的。我们不认为我们使用的技能。在我们的每一天,当我们真正进入工作的情况来做我们的技能他们断开连接,显然是一个大错误。好了,我知道我们了我们的时间,我们想保持这些我总是喜欢没有时间遛狗或你的通勤。 If you don't have a dog, you obviously can still listen to these podcasts, it isn't mandatory. The so achimota time. So if you were going to leave our listeners with one or two, no more than three nuggets of knowledge for them if they are in this transition, trying to get this scrum master job, what would be those three things you would say? Or one thing? Or, you know, what, what do you think? Now?

Nada Buhendi:30:35




Nada Buhendi:31:23



太棒了。他们是令人难以置信的掘金。总结,为我们的听众,知道你是谁,我认为这是非常重要的。讲故事,我认为这是非常重要的,形成董事会,无论是真正的人类或者是知识的来源。显然我们都可以是伟大的人类知识的来源。但得到多元化的思维,总是学习,总是网络,我认为是一个伟大的消息。所以谢谢你。今天你的时间。我确实学到了一些东西。花了时间退后一步从一切从更全面的角度看它的整个职业生涯的转变。 We're in a world where we're going to need a lot of agile coaches, Scrum Masters, product people, developers, as we transition to solving some of the hardest problems that the world faces, using digital technology and different ways of working to do that. So I'm excited when I see more people coming into this to this field. And hopefully these nuggets, these three nuggets will be a great a great roadmap for them in on this journey. So thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time.




我们的听众,这是Scrum.org社区播客。2022世界杯国家队排名我很幸运,在这里我与Nada Buhendi多伦多,加拿大谈论职业转换和你是怎么知道第一个scrum master的作用。所以谢谢聆听。希望会有其他神奇的播客,可能被添加到您的网络和董事会在未来显示或以前的节目。谢谢每一个人。再见。
