






Eric Naiburg 0:12
早上好。下午好。晚上好,取决于,你可能是全世界。我想欢迎你来今天的研讨会或今天的我们称之为问一个专业scrum教练。我的名字是埃里克Naiberg我今天将您的主机和Yuval Yeret加入我,是我们专业的scrum教练之一,他将专家回答今天的问题。让我带你通过一些简单介绍,然后我们将开始。所以快速指南,你的麦克风会沉默在整个会话记录,我们将有可用的幻灯片或如果任何,任何视频当然可用的音频在接下来的24小时。请提交你的问题通过问答盒子底部。这样我们可以记录这些在任何问题,你都不能去。他可以通过电子邮件后,如果你发送通过聊天他们迷路。 So please use that q&a box. Real briefly for those of you new to scrum.org, who is scrum.org were founded by Ken swaybar, the Co creator of Scrum. He is our chairman and founder and Ken continues to lead scrum.org As an organization, we provide thought leadership like these webinars to help you and help you grow training. You've all been one of our professional scrum trainers, certification and ongoing learning, all based on our mission of helping people and teams solve complex problems. With that, I will let you Yuval introduce himself and we can get started.

尤为止Yeret 1:48

Eric Naiburg 29
太棒了。谢谢你,尤,让我们到你的问题。再次,请使用问答选项卡在屏幕的底部。我们可以开始。让我停止我的份额。因为你不需要这所有的时间。这样你可以得到一个完整的视图Yuval开始。你如何定义领导力?我们听到这个词的领袖,对吧?scrum master领袖做我你需要一个C水平是一个领导者呢?你如何定义领导者吗?

是的。所以我们需要能够看到两个定义。一个是每个人都是领导者。定义。我真的认为每个人都需要一个领导者在特定的时间点和在特定的活动,特别是在Scrum。你知道,scrum master是领袖。产品负责人的领导产品开发人员领导在团队中发生的事情。但有一个真空的scrum指南时,领导人以外的团队,有一个角色在支持团队帮助组织实现敏捷性。指导,我们是伙伴,我们写了,我们领导定义为scrum团队之外的人。它可以是一个人力资源经理人们经理,部门主管可以CEO可以人们在不同的层次。 They don't have to be executive leaders, but they can be. The important thing is that from the scrum guide perspective, they don't see themselves as a concrete role on the scrum team. They are external to the scrum team. They might be a stakeholder for a scrum team, they typically will be. Does that make sense? It does.

Eric Naiburg 5:30

尤Yeret 5:57
之一的一个强大的技巧,我作为敏捷教练是连接到这些人的在里面有什么。如果他们不真正关心他们的团队是否成功,或者不敏捷,如果他们不真正关心他们的组织的灵活性,他们不会参与。但这些天我遇到的大多数人关心的。他们确实关心更具竞争力,关心什么词汇,他们称,无论它是一个数字转换或投放市场的时间。他们与这些东西。和与他们谈话,他们产生共鸣的语言,我们可以让他们有兴趣我们需要为他们的团队和他们的人来实现这些目标。在,在scrum.org。世界,我们有证据基础管理框架反弹道导弹,这是旨在讨论在这一水平跟我们实现业务成果是什么?我们提高我们的创新能力上市时间?我们是否满意我们提供的当前值的市场? Is there an unrealized value or unrealized potential that we're trying to, to achieve? Is there a gap that we're trying to close in, we use Scrum or whatever agile approach in order to close these gaps in order to improve our ability to innovate and our time to market? And that's language that leaders typically resonate with, at least in my experience.

Eric Naiburg 52

尤Yeret 15

Eric Naiburg 21

尤Yeret 9:56

Eric Naiburg 32
所以Harsha有一个很好的问题。什么是Scrum master的作用提高各级领导?他们能做什么?你有一些建议对于scrum管理者如何可以支持在加强领导和领导跨整个组织?

所以,让我们来看看这两个方面在scrum团队。我觉得很很容易看出Scrum master的角色是教练团队中的不同玩家的不同职责加强和领导在相关次教练在主要从产品的角度来看,产品所有者提供一个愿景,使用产品目标指导团队集中的地方。他们有一个团队中的作用,指导开发人员加强而不是期望被告知要做什么。有时Scrum master的方法就是积极地什么都不做,这可能是不舒服,特别是如果他们习惯于一个领导者本身作为一个经理。走进这个角色的人作为领导者可能会不舒服,但它是一个好的scrum master,一个专业的scrum master会在谈话之外的敏捷团队。Scrum Master例如,可以把你知道的同伴指导我们写团队外部的领导人提供了一些机会反思如何显示它们如何与Scrum,事件,工件,岗位职责和对话的方式与这些人如何有效地显示为领袖。

Eric Naiburg 37

尤Yeret 22节
是的,我认为,最重要的是感觉舒服不发号施令。感觉舒服这集中控制,并指出花更多的时间实现对齐什么是重要的,并明确什么是重要的对我们来说,没有控制的细节。让我们用OKRs。为例。这些天OKRs是一个流行词。我们谈论他们如你所知,方法定义映射策略执行和很多领导人在他们的组织使用OKRs。当你看着OKRs最重要的事情之一是,他们是一个一致的框架。他们提供我们试图实现的方向没有控制所有的细节没有告诉人们如何去做的东西。这样,顺便说下,领导人可以学到很多从我们要教产品负责人,产品负责人,提供产品目标提供,你知道团队产品待办事项列表。他们关注什么和为什么他们学会给团队空间尊重团队的能力找出适合你多少他们可以实现。 That interesting relationship between developers and product owners is something, something that we can actually apply at the fractal scale higher or in the organization or elsewhere in the organization. So a trick that, you know, I use a lot when talking to leaders is everything that we've learned that works for us. at the team level, even if we use different names, even if it doesn't map one to one, the principles still apply the organizational scale. Great.

Eric Naiburg 39
你能详细说明利益相关者的领导人吗?这是一个有趣的问题。具体地说,他们给的场景,如果最终用户和决策者检查作家,如果你愿意,在商业团体分开它领导小组的工作做什么?他们他们问,会冲突,如果一个领导者在it组织宣称自己是一个涉众和潜在的操纵在进步和很可能产品所有者工作吗?所以我认为他们在这里得到的是什么,我可以是一个组织内部的利益相关者以及一个领导者?然后我想对我来说,这不是问这个问题,但是我如何表达这一点,作为一个Scrum Master,你会做些什么来帮助保护Scrum团队从领导者和涉众的人把他们的领导太多了?

尤Yeret 16:39
是的。我会的。所以我看这个问题,和我们讨论,在同伴的非常重要的途径之一,领导者可以担当他们的组织和Scrum团队正在设计正确的达成正确的产品,正确的产品目标,正确的团队来支持这些产品正确的组对这些产品的利益相关者。所以有人组织中需要加强和成为一个领袖,找出好的,对于这个产品,这些产品我们设置规则,你知道,一个scrum团队或一组scrum团队工作,是一个关系可以任何方式你规模甚至是一个团队。这是一组利益相关者的团队。这是我们的利益相关者的期望。有人应该能够驱动和周围的利益相关者管理的期望。利益相关者的感觉不应该像他们在控制产品的,他们应该尊重产品的产品负责人领导。但这需要一个组织中的领导行为在选择正确的产品负责人,建立正确的环境中,产品所有者是尊重和授权的机构来驱动产品。如果这是,那么产品所有者应该能够有效的与利益相关者对话,无论是从商业,他们是否,是否他们从任何地方,并收集他们的反馈,为产品做正确的事。 The problem is that in a lot of organizations, we don't set up the product owner for success, we choose the wrong product owners. And we don't really have those conversations with stakeholders from business from it from wherever around what to expect, they might still feel like they're calling the shots. And, you know, the product owner is not He's not God, they don't have endless power. Sometimes the stakeholders, you know, will drive some very important decisions. But we should create a situation where there's alignment, some level of alignment, at least between the stakeholders on where to go before an organization that has no alignment between business it on where to go. That's a leadership challenge that somebody would need to step up and address the role of the product owner the role of the Scrum Master. What scrum would do for us at the minimum is it would surface that misalignment. It would bring it up we would see in the sprint review for example, that you know there's no alignment on where to go and that would be an impediment that would be at somebody's doorstep, that somebody's you know, table to do something about. What we're talking about today is those leaders that will need to do something about these sorts of impediments that cannot really be addressed at a team level.

Eric Naiburg二十20
我认为从产品所有者的角度来看,你需要成为一个好的主持人,对吧?所以作为产品所有者,它不仅仅是听。促进这些交谈。大概和你想到一家小公司工作,工作和你的首席执行官,首席执行官是一个利益相关者,他们的领袖。他们是一个影响者。但是他们希望尊重产品所有者做出决策。同时,产品所有者需要促进这些对话,以确保我们在相同的页面上。首席执行官也在理论上,检查作家,对吧?在这些交谈,建立信任是如此重要。scrum管理者可以方便一些。 But I think to me, the product owner needs to take on some of that role as well. And the product owner isn't just I think there's some misnomers, right that we talked about myths and myth busting all the time, that the product owner isn't just a requirements management person. Right? They are, they are a leader, and they need to facilitate with other leaders and stakeholders. Not just customers, but also the not in users, but also the other leaders within the organization as other stakeholders within the organization. Next question, this might be a little bit broad, but I'm going to ask it anyway. What are the wait? What are some of the ways that would allow you to improve in leadership? Do you have some guides, I guess, for leaders, to help them improve? help them do better? How can they better support? The teams that they're leading?

尤Yeret 22:07
我想说一个立即想到的是连接到您的团队,问他们,你知道,他们需要管家?为这些团队,有一个客户我一起工作,这是大力投资管理的概念我们作为领导者,他们甚至还有,你知道,整个组织,包括人员和操作,有管家的人的成功。它开始的心态,你知道,我们扭转了金字塔。我不是人,我不是人,我支持他们,我拿起来,创造一个环境,在那里他们可以成功。大多数领导人,当他们开始有这样的心态,当他们开始问问题,像,你知道,什么,人们喜欢什么,这是怎么回事?人们的斗争,他们得到正确的想法,如果你需要一些,更多。我喜欢做的一件事是为了方便回顾关注自治,精通,目标。几人,你知道,在您的组织可以逃脱锻炼可以是意义,你知道,团队,看着丹尼尔粉红色的视频,一个10分钟的视频,然后与周围的人交谈。我们在这里干什么,真是释放人们的自主性,掌握和目的。什么是我们现在正在做的事情阻碍人民自治,掌握和目的? And get some ideas from that? Have a conversation around? Okay, what's the small thing we can try? And do we have that liberating structure 15% without, you know, changing the whole wall? There's something we could do right now. What could we do to improve things a bit? Try something, see evidence whether it's working or not, and try something more. If that sounds to you, like maybe let's set a product goal of improving the environment that people can work with, maybe start to create the product backlog around maybe a scrum team around that then you're are thinking the right way about this?

Eric Naiburg相当残暴

尤Yeret 25:33
是的,我想象,他们不一定想做这只是现实的团队,最主要的,我的意思是,一般来说,我们说的是一次sprint团队应该有一个目标,因为,这是更专注。推动合作,它是更容易为团队真正实现如果他们关注的东西。但是很多团队奋斗与挣扎,因为他们在许多不同的方向拉。我想做的是将其作为一个信号有一个谈话,我们设置的成功吗?如果千载难逢,我们需要在多个工作的事情在这个团队?很好。但如果在一个一致的基础上,我们有一个团队在不同的方向拉,当人们正在做不同的事情,然后引出了一个问题,我们有正确的团队吗?并把这回到今天的主题,主题的领导下,有人需要加强和思考我们建立有效吗?再次,领导人的角色,有人在一个组织中所扮演的角色正在多个产品,试图实现多个东西,是要有一个谈话,我们传播太瘦吗?有可能是都是战略? Going back to OKRs? For example, we cannot have an endless number of OKRs, we should have only a few that we're really focused on? Can we set up teams that are really focused on a product goal? Are we set up that way right now what needs to change for us to be able to set things up that way? In a sense, the fact that the team is not able to agree on a cohesive sprint goal is signal that Scrum is providing us to reflect on our setup on are we using are we set up effectively to achieve our strategic goals? Do we even have strategic

Eric Naiburg 27:57
目标?湿婆。尽管scrum指南告诉我们使用有效地回顾,一些组织倾向于跳过回顾。你怎么能领导一个scrum master回顾有效吗?你东方人民对现在看到价值,对我来说,如果我们不回顾如果我们不看看我们是如何工作的,我们不是真的提高改变?你有一些想法吗?是的,

尤Yeret 28:33
我绝对同意,如果你不不断提高,你可能会留下一些机会,特别是因为环境使用Scrum在大多数工作这些天发生的事情发生在一个复杂的环境中,我们不一定知道什么是最好的工作方式。我们不一定有正确的方法从一开始就采取scrum指南,你知道,一个专业的scrum课程会让你从过程的角度。但是你需要调整它。你需要能够反应你在工作的同时学习。我我通常看到的是组织试图跳过回顾,因为他们无法把思考的时候花复古尊重团队中的一些可行的改进。这可能是因为他们没有集中在回顾。他们试图改变太多的东西,或者他们专注于改变的东西超出了他们的视野。我开始思考如何促进是一个回顾,收敛到可操作的东西,是在我们控制的范围作为一个团队,我们可以看到有意义的变化在合理期限内,理想情况下,在我们下一个sprint。和我们兴奋的东西。它应该作为一个团队,我们真的热爱改变。 If you have a team that doesn't care about improving anything that's not passionate about making changes to how their work, then you need to dive deeper into what's going on. Maybe you know, there's this buzzword these days that people are using quiet tweeting. That's something you might need to do something about, if you're a scrum master, if you're a product owner, if you're a leader, you need to think about how do I engage people in doing the work here? It can I you know, create some excitement about the mission, can I create more pervasive product goals for what this team is working on? People rarely think their way of working is perfect. So there's typically something very close to the surface that's in the way of an effective retrospective that you can tap into and tweak.

Eric Naiburg 31:40

尤Yeret 32:06
是的。我的经验是,不管域,上下文,领导人需要问自己的第一个问题是什么坏了?什么,你知道,为什么我们需要改变?我之前讨论过,你知道,循证医学,我们满意的结果我们的产品吗?我们与我们的上市时间满意吗?我们觉得我们能够有效地创新?还是有很多摩擦和浪费,似乎没有什么去做,这都是陷入技术债务?最重要的是,我们所问的问题是,我们做的工作是什么?如果我们做复杂的工作充斥着波动的不确定性,模糊,当我们不断地学习我们所做的是否有用与否,我们不断地惊讶于我们工作的结果与功能是否真正有价值。这是一个环境,需要经验主义。 That is an environment that requires us to close fast feedback loops. When we agree that there's some dissatisfaction with the way we're currently doing things. And we need empiricism to close faster feedback loops. Then it makes total sense to try and figure out okay, can we use something like Scrum or another agile approach, whether it's Kanban, or anything else, or scrum with Kanban to actually bring this empiricism to how we're working? And yeah, I think that's, that's, that's let's, let's pause here.

Eric Naiburg 34:05

尤Yeret 34:36
是的。的,我们有时称之为做敏捷和敏捷。我挣扎的前提问题有点说实话。因为不是,不是因为它不是一个敏捷交付与敏捷文化的一个重要课题。是因为我已经看到在过去的是当你没有经验主义和自我管理的敏捷文化和持续改善和发展心态,这是非常难以实现敏捷交付。可以有敏捷的剧院,你知道,所有的正确名字敏捷的外观,或做敏捷。但很难真正实现敏捷交付,关闭快速反馈,了解什么是有用的,调整、检查和调整。我认为我将我将专注便利或领导。回到一个组织是否真的关心竞争对手更快、更有效的实现业务敏捷性,我们想叫它,然后我们可以有一个话题为什么这基本上是不可能的。不正确的文化。 We can look at examples of organizations that really achieve agility. They tap onto autonomy, they tapped on to alignment without micromanagement, they really understand how things like the scrum values are crucial in working effectively with Scrum. So those are the conversations that that I have. There are my experiences that leaders, most leaders don't really, I mean, there are the leaders that really care about the sort of culture agile culture that we talk about, they care about it already, you don't need to do much to convince them to set up an organization that works this way. The leaders that don't already that haven't already bought into the the tenants of an agile culture, the way to bring them on board is to connect it to business results to connect it to why you would be limited why you're not able to compete as effectively as an organization that is doesn't have the right sort of culture. They will they won't do it just because an agile culture is school. That's been my experience.

Eric Naiburg 38:01

尤Yeret 39:00

Eric Naiburg 40:25
是的。绝对的。谢谢。是的。嗯,我们有几个scrummy问题,如果你愿意。哈雷说我们的过程中,采取传统的运营团队和分裂从内部改善和发展组织。在我们这样做的时候,我们开始认为小,简单,更重要的是如果我们只能有一个或另一个在一段时间内产品所有者或scrum master。任何想法吗?他们

尤Yeret 41:00
有趣。就像选择,这就像问一个家长,他们最喜欢的孩子是谁?我猜这真的取决于。在上下文中,我将扮演顾问。频率取决于上下文。如果首先,让我们记住,scrum管理员和产品所有者职责,你不一定需要雇一个人或选择一个人做全职,有组织结构图或名片或LinkedIn的资料。有人在他们的团队或组织可以戴那顶帽子,你知道的,有责任的团队。我认为,不管你做什么,应该有人认为自己是每个团队专注于产品的产品负责人的目标,即使他们这样做。你知道,当我们的软弱,总比没有好。我认为,在你谈论,应该有人认为自己的领袖关注这支球队的有效性。 Somebody should be doing that. And one of the things that we and again, I'll bring this back to the, to leadership, because I think a lot of these situations relate to leadership, a leader could step up and be a scrum master for these teams, and act as the person that's focused on the effectiveness of these teams. But that doesn't mean that they need to facilitate the events that they need to, you know, do all of the things that we classically associate with the scrum master. They would be a leader. That's their, it sometimes to support the team. If we have a set of people that really understand Scrum, and can quickly self organize and work effectively, we might not need too much support from the scrum master. If the organization is very much into Scrum, maybe we won't need that much leadership from the environment that Taylor is, you know, talking about, I think that sort of leadership is definitely needed. And similarly, if the product goal is very clear, and the team can figure out a lot of what's needed to work towards achieving that product goal, and there's lots of clarity on the product, maybe we won't need too much. Or a product owner that would be very hands on and engaged with the team. On the other end, there might be a situation, the result of having a product owner that's not very hands on, it's not very engaged might be that we're spending all their energy and driving in the wrong direction. That would be the conversation that I will have with this organization as they're trying to figure out how to use Scrum. What are the problems that we're trying to solve? And designing you know, who should be wearing which are taking on which accountability to really succeed using Scrum. I mean, we're using Scrum not to say we're using brown we're using Scrum to solve problems. Hopefully.

Eric Naiburg 44:57
好点你我想记住一个Scrum Master没有全职在一个团队,一个Scrum Master可以跨不同的团队。他们有帮助。它们的存在。他们支持和服务团队。对我来说,如果我们没有产品负责人,我们优先考虑的事情怎么样?仅仅是一年,你不想做产品所有权归民主,因为它可能是最受欢迎的事,但也许不是我们的最有价值的东西。所以产品所有者所有权是至关重要的。和这个团队一起工作,真的,让人似乎那些scrum master职责是有用的,但你知道,我们得到这个问题很多。我管理一大堆不同的团队here@scrum.org。和研究支持,人离开scrum master必须全职献给一个团队到现在的答案。他们需要可以在他们需要的时候是可用的,并且是其中的一部分。 Does the product owner have to be 100%? Tied to you know, every meeting every event, every activity, no, they can't be if they're doing that, then they're not talking to customers or not talking to stakeholders and not integrating with the organization. So I think there's some opportunities for this to have both of those types of accountabilities it, it can live in many ways across that as you're as you're moving forward. You've got some other some other questions coming in. So it's another scrummy. One, this is always an interesting one. And, and I think it's okay to ask this because it kind of ties to start to titled leadership because I see this a lot. And I know you and I are both going to be at a project management conference coming up in a couple of weeks in the Boston area. Someone asks, How is a scrum master role different from a project manager? I've written a couple of articles about this one, but I'll let you. I'll let you take this. You've all Yeah.

尤Yeret 47:13
经典这取决于项目经理,对吗?有些项目经理认为自己的仆人领袖做出选择喜欢的教学指导,创建自主和自我管理你的项目取得成功。的传统定义项目管理的学习,我的意思是,我我不是一个PMP但我听到和看到的或经典的组织和人在这个空间的经典项目经理,经理的工作经理,你知道,预算时间范围,你怎么知道,努力实现某种预定义的目标。scrum master应该专注于教练团队scrum管理者就像一个教练,一个领导,仆人领袖服务团队。被有效的scrum管理者不拥有范围不报告,管理一个项目或者产品有什么情况。通常在Scrum中,我们尽量避免项目和产品走向。一个区别在于,我们不一定知道范围将前期,我们知道目标是什么。我们致力于实现这一目标,尝试不同的东西。实现一些想法从产品待办事项列表,检查并调整基于结果。因此scrum master留下评论,自主权,经验主义,自我管理,持续改进。 Project Manager, managers to a certain scope feels like they're the one single renewable NEC for what's going on in their project. I think they're actually there's also an interesting comparison between the project manager and product owner. I do see a lot of classic project managers some of the best TSDS out there have been project managers. In the past, they've seen that the they've seen a couple of things. They've seen that planning. You know, having a perfect plan from the get go executing to a plan doesn't really work in the real world. And the environmental volatility and certainty that uncertainty that we're seeing, they've seen that the results that you can get when you have talented people that know more about the work than you do, the results that you can get by them actually understanding the goal being aligned to a goal and having clarity on where to go and having freedom and agency to actually manage themselves. You get better results, you sleep better at night, you work less hours. So a lot of these people that came from project management have switched the way that they're working and are focused much more on scrum mastery or product ownership.

Eric Naiburg 51:04
是的,它很有趣,因为我将这个问题。,我相信我们会得到一个问题在这个会议上几个星期。所以我是一个项目经理,我公司的敏捷。这是什么意思,我给典型的高,我猜,顾问回答,视情况而定。最好的Scrum master。它不仅仅是技巧,是他们是谁。它的个性。他们必须关心人必须非常出色,在他们的指导和帮助,指导和教学和所有这些事情。我碰到了一些很有趣的项目经理,只是没有那种心态。还有许多其他的事情,他们可以做在一个敏捷的组织利用他们的技能和能力。 It doesn't mean that they they instantly go in the project and to scrum mastery, just like you said, product owner might be a better place. Often the PMO doesn't necessarily go away project management, things don't just go away in an organization, because they're moving into more agile approach. So you have to start asking the question of yourself, what is what am I best that what are my skills? And what is my mindset? And how can I help support, but it's not it's certainly you know, a scrum master is not a project manager. And if if the organization or the Scrum teams treating the scrum master, as a project manager, something needs to change. Because then we're not self managing, we're not working together, we're not getting the value out of out of the scrum master as well. Another question, we've got time for probably one or two more, what exercises questions stories can be used with top executives to not be in charge as they wrote. And to trust the PIO? Trust that product owner, especially when the product owner is good and remains an order taker? And we see this in organizations where the leaders, the executives just push the product owner to be a backlog manager, not really a product owner? What are some of the things you can do to help change that and then help evolve that evolve? Yeah.

尤Yeret 53:16
所以我可以在这里看到两件事发生。领导人需要给产品负责人需要有时领导人愿意尊重委托给产品负责人的空间,但产品负责人习惯于秩序者,你知道,只是不要把东西。所以你需要敏感到底发生了什么。我们回答的核心问题。我真的很喜欢使用一种技术,我们使用这个专业敏捷领导阶层是代表团扑克。有一整套的有几个技术代表团,扑克,领导大卫·马奎特创建的梯子是另一个,基本上都是创建一种语言,您可以使用与领导人对话不同决策领域。和我们目前接近那个地区?我们告诉人们要做什么吗?跟他们讨论我们有正确的答案是什么?我们真的委托给他们吗? And also having a conversation around what's the right or what's the way we want to treat these decision areas? Do we want to decentralize the control here? What would be the benefit of that? What would be needed in order to achieve that do we need to create more clarity, do we need to grow people skills? Do we have the right people in place to actually delegating that way? Sometimes I see leaders who are afraid of delegating to product owners, because they didn't choose the right product owners, because they didn't create an environment where there's clarity on what's the product goal with clear, passionate, intrapreneur intrapreneurial product owners that can really take a product and run with it. And that shouldn't be the thing that that leaders talk about. The conversation can start with, you know, how are we delegating right now? And how would we like to delegate? What might be the benefit from that? Where does the conversation take, you can be all over the map. And be we're not set up effectively can be, you know, we need to provide alignment, more clearly about what's important to us, we need to have a conversation maybe about product goals. One of the benefits of product goals is that's a conversation that leaders can really have with product owners, if there's clarity, on the product goal that the team is running with, and the product owner is running with. Maybe there's less need by these executives, these, these leaders and stakeholders to micromanage what's going on to achieve that product goal. Awesome. Thank

Eric Naiburg 56:34
你们所有的人。我想知道每个人的时间。我们在约时间。我不确定我们有足够的时间对任何问题了,你所有的需要,看看其他的问题,我们也没有得到,试图应对他们最好的他可以通过电子邮件和回到你的问题。当然仍然有一些坐在这里,等待回答。的。我想说谢谢你。今天谢谢你的时间。你所有的谈话。谢谢你给观众。 And if for your questions in probing that that conversation and making it happen. Come on back. We're right. We run these once a month, sometimes more than once a month. keep learning keep coming to the scrum.org website as we continue to improve it and add more functionality capability in resources for you all to help learn, grow and evolve. And with that again, thank you have a great, safe day. And thank you again. You've all Thank you, Eric. It was my pleasure. Bye.
