




问一个专业Scrum教练,在这个会议乔安娜Plaskonka马格达莱纳河Kucharska回答问题集中在Scrum Master、评估、用户故事、指标、Scrum事件和更多!


林赛Velecina 0:03

这一集是一个以前的记录我们的生活问专业scrum教练系列,现场观众提问的专业scrum教练。我们希望你能喜欢这一集。早上好。下午好。晚上好。谢谢你,你今天加入我们。欢迎来到今天的问一个专业scrum教练会话。我是林赛belshina。与scrum.org我将你今天的主持人,今天我有两个pst。和我一起,我乔安娜Plaskonka和马格达莱纳河Kucharska。 So welcome. And both of these ladies are based in Poland. So


你的麦克风将整个会话沉默。然而,这是一个问答环节,我们想让你问你的问题。所以请在问答框中输入您的问题。在屏幕的右下角。这就是你输入你所有的问题。如果你有技术问题,请利用聊天我问,你不使用聊天的玛格达你的问题,你想请使用聊天窗口。这次会议被记录下来。所以记录将在24小时内通过播客。所以请留意,你会得到一个电子邮件。让我们开始吧。 So very quickly, who's scrum.org we are the home of Scrum we were founded by Ken swaybar in 2009. Our mission is to help people and team solve complex problems. We offer training, certification, and ongoing learning for professional Scrum. This webinar is just one of those pieces of ongoing learning that we have, feel free to check out all the free resources on our website. And what that I will hand it over to Magda and Jana to introduce themselves and get started.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 2:15

乔安娜Plaskonka 46


所以大多数我的经验是相关的scrum master教练,支持者为整个组织在不同的行业。所以银行,





林赛Velecina 4:09

乔安娜Plaskonka 4:32
是的,当然。这是一个这是一个非常好的问题。所以我想,当你使用这个词项,你的意思是产品待办事项列表中的待办项,对吧?总之,我相信如此。一般sprint backlog不是承诺在scrum中作为一个整体。这是我们的预期。我们所要做的就是我们的计划,短期计划,如何如何创造有价值的产品,如果开发商不改变冲刺目标,他们仍为目标,可以改变产品待办事项列表中的待办项。然而,当涉及到透明度,这是,这是Scrum支柱之一,我认为它很好与产品所有者和时变化对产品待办事项列表项的水平。我相信这是一个与一个团队合作的问题。如果你这样展示产品所有者是最好的我们可以做。 I strongly believe that they will, they will agree on that.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 41
好吧,他们也可以添加,通常当你想添加sprint backlog,有一个问题我应该采取的正确的,因为有一定的在sprint中我们能够做的事情。这是所有关于谈话更对于sprint目标。

林赛Velecina 5:59

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 6:05

林赛Velecina 6:38
谢谢你,。好吧,这里进来的几个问题在scrum master。所以任何建议scrum master是谁开始一个新的团队还没有100%的敏捷和正在使用的最佳WaterFire水净瀑布和敏捷?

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 7:01

我还记得当我开始作为一个scrum master的关键学习对我来说,关键的教学观察团队,只是外观和了解的关于他们的产品是什么?最大的障碍是什么?谈话流动怎么样?的合作进行得怎样?他们能够提供一个增加吗?他们有任何依赖项的产品,只是观察,试图找到这些痛点的时候我可以帮助作为初级scrum master,并引发一些更有意义的对话如何检查我们的过程吗?这就是我所做的。约翰你当你开始作为一个初级scrum master吗?

乔安娜Plaskonka 52
哦,我的天很长时间以前。如果我回到我的历史,我想说看的原则,因为我完全我完全同意你不会在一夜之间做出大的改变。因为我们不断学习,我认为对我来说,这是一个敏捷的一部分。然而,从原理的角度,每一个sprint是一个机会去学习管理风险。你把这些机会?有什么可以帮助你的团队工作吗?所以我们创建创建增量,至少我们正在有用,可用增加每个冲刺?你的团队能够这样做吗?如果不是,什么是第一步,你可以鼓励你的团队做什么?其他类型的问题Scrum, Scrum的原则之一是,我们的专业团队,他们是自我管理和跨职能。 So next coming questions. Is your team really cross functional? Do they have all the skills in the team, it might be another great conversational point to help them look for those gaps maybe to start some conversations with some leaders, decision makers in their organization, what you can do to really embrace the self management and helping your team become cross functional.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 9:19
也请记住,你有一位主在问责制。这是你的主人Scrum。所以有时候可能是一个问题讨论的每个事件背后的原因,对吧?你也有教育和教和理解。为什么他们做的每一个事件?结果是什么?的输出是sprint的每个事件的本身?它也很高兴关注确保每个人都知道他们正在努力冲刺目标是本产品的目标?大家都明白吗?你的工作在您的环境中有透明吗? So all of those aspects come in hand but keep in mind also that To change doesn't happen overnight, as Jonah said, some of the improvements that you will see some of the improvements you want to do will take a lot of time. So just make sure you do step by step little inspections, adaptations, and you have the feedback loop. And you work on that because Scrum is all about empiricism. It's all about learning. So making the next sprint better to make our product better with each sprint. So what you can do as a scrum master to do that. That's more of an open question.

太棒了。谢谢你!好吧。这是另一个scrum master梅金问问题,你认为一个scrum master需要有技术背景吗?

乔安娜Plaskonka 48
我爱这个问题。我是我是一个讨论的一部分,我可以分享我的答案,因为我并没有改变我的心灵已经几年了。所以我相信这不是义务的scrum master有很强的技术或领域知识。然而,对我来说,一个原则是持续学习适用于我们所有人scrum master。所以最好的SCRUM master,我有一个巨大的快乐和荣誉,他们也学习产品,他们也感兴趣我们的用户在说什么。所以当你有你的眼睛和耳朵打开,是的,当你听对话,帮助促进良好的事情发生时,你学习那么你就成为一个更好的scrum master。也许今天你不会意识到你有这方面的知识。但最有可能在一年或两年之后,你可能意识到,哦,我的天哪,现在我得到了更多的这些技术技术方面,它并不意味着你开始代码或构建机器人如果你的产品是一个机器人,但是您将学习你将成为一个更好的人一个更好的scrum团队成员因为你是scrum master, scrum团队的成员。

我想说我们都是完美的目标这个问题。因为约翰来自技术背景,我不,我已经完成了教育学。所以我注册在教育。所以完全不同的区域。然而,我同意100%的乔凡娜只要你了解你的产品,和你愿意长时间的提高自己。你想了解更深层次的会发生什么你可以成为一个更好的scrum master。也像这样小如果你问一个技术scrum master侧身,一个人需要一个技术通常技术面说是。和非技术说,是的。好了,所以他们需要说不需要,然后你需要一个技术实际上取决于你的旅程。

林赛Velecina 12:57

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 13:05

林赛Velecina 13:11
好吧,不同的商店。这下一个问题和其他scrum master的问题,然后我们可以开关齿轮一点。所以我如何,作为一个scrum master与产品所有者开始一个良好的关系,同时设置正确的角色之间的界限?现在这个人也给一点背景。所以我也会分享。我准备接手一个新团队。我发现前scrum master,团队,他和PIO混合的角色和责任。老实说,我不想这样做。我想只做scrum管理者工作我很擅长,我不想混,小贴士,艰难的谈话吗?所以我想这是两个问题。 So the first one is how do I start a good relationship with the product owner while setting the correct boundaries between roles?

乔安娜Plaskonka 14:04
我可能会开始,我想我可以推荐一个通用汽车开始对话。哦,谢谢你,梅丽莎。完全正确。工作协议。然而,不考虑工作协议。只是,你知道,我们一起工作。你可以添加更多的东西你的工作协议。例如,我们如何处理冲突?我们如何处理分歧?我们可以期待从对方好的说不,如果我们同意某些东西,这是我们的协议。 Let's do it. So this is the thing that in general, whenever there's a new team or the change in the team is good to either revisit or created from the scratch to make things transparent, you know, to set the right expectations and Another piece of advice, what worked well for me is to having an open conversation with product owner and asking what I can do to help you so that we will work great as a team. So I'm setting expectations that I'm here as a leader that serves from Scrum Masters point of view, and they want to listen to your problems. What is your biggest problem currently? How can I help you? How can I support you? At the same time, I think it's completely okay to tell that I'm not going to the to do the product management, because I don't know about that. I'm a scrum Max, I'm scrum expert, I want to take the best out of my knowledge to support you in that if you feel that you are overwhelmed, maybe this is one of the hypotheses I don't know, then you as a scrum master can help facilitate discussions what we can do as a team. Maybe we have to raise an impediment and ask others for support. Because let's be honest product ownership. It's a lot of work.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 16:08
是的,我认为这是非常重要的去理解背后的原因。所以当产品所有者想,假设代表在他能力的事情,或者他问责scrum master。问题是他为什么会不知所措。或者没有足够的知识在他的产品所有权,或者仅仅是也许有一个不好的例子,从某处,也许他的习惯别人对他这样做。他从来不知道自己可以做到,我们说这个例子而言,产品待办事项列表管理,它不表示,产品所有者需要重新排列JIRA,从上到下或用户故事,正确的任务,这不是产品待办事项列表管理,从开发人员可以通过任何人。正确的。也许有一个问题,进入太多细节,比方说,在这个例子中产品待办事项列表管理,也许他不想做的事情也在开发人员的能力。我记得这样一个情况,我们有一个团队。我们所做的,在回顾我们见面,我们每个人都有一张纸分成两件事。一个是我想要的东西在工作中负责。 And the other one was what people expect of me. So each person right, wrote down what they wanted to be accountable for at work, and they passed it along to other people from the team. So each of us could write what we expect from this particular person or a role or accountability, it depends on the facilitation. And by the end of the retrospective with a whole list. And when then we kind of had a facilitated discussion, what we came up with our understanding as a team from now on, because even though you're just from this context, a new person joined the team, the whole dynamic changes. So it's good to revisit the agreement, the contract, the accountabilities, anything regarding to your scope of your role towards the whole team. That will be that will be working in my case.


马格达莱纳河Kucharska 18:49

林赛Velecina 18:55

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 19:13
我做什么当我与开发商合作,将整个项目是scrum团队工作。我不会只包括开发商,因为产品所有者也知道正确的,什么是我们想要的最终价值最后交付。这是一件关于估计的总主题。我不会触及的时刻。我做的是我谈了很多关于价值观。这是什么?我们绕着价值问题,最小的东西是什么,给我们带来价值可以在sprint完成对吗?什么事情我们在之前完成sprint是遇到了“完成”的定义,因为我们知道增量需要满足“完成”的定义,我们适合带给我们的客户对我们的客户是我们有工具的名称。汉堡的技术,对吧?例如,当你把PBI进入不同的假设,一个汉堡包,汉堡包,然后创建一个带。 That's one of the techniques and the ways I approach this.


马格达莱纳河Kucharska 21:54
在一起。另外,从开发人员建议的角度来看,我记得当我,作为一个年轻的Scrum Master,我回来时这个问题。我能做什么?你知道什么样的技术将故事分割成更小的单词分割,不仅故事,只是PBIS。他们向我解释有一个叫做事件风暴的技术。我会回到开发者和询问事件风暴是一个分裂的工作,从建筑的角度。从您的系统架构。我们讨论的是软件。所以必须寻找另一个主意。

乔安娜Plaskonka 22:33
我看到一个关于角色的问题。谢谢你,。每当我们谈到一些奇怪的事情,但是你新新的给你,请给我们,请给我们快速的反馈。所以当谈到角色是一个这是一个某种类型的用户的代表。和它帮助团队进入到鞋子我们表达的这种潜在的用户。通常情况下,我们要做的就是与我的团队,我们提供一个名称,我们得到一个图片,对视觉的工作。我们我们写下问题,一些疼痛点,形象的行为。这有助于我们更好的将我们的工作连接到特定用户。它集中我们我们对帮助我们的工作和行为这代表一群特定的人我们的用户,帮助他们解决问题。就像,当你正在写什么,你在你的电脑面前,你有一个会议,你不再说什么,我们只是做了产品。 Instead, you might think there are people somewhere they are represented by Jessica. And what we do today is super important, because we are trying to make Jessica's life better. So you may also use it as a tool for for motivation, because it's not just a job, right? It's helping someone sitting somewhere in the world having some problems, and they're most likely more of such people. That's why we created persona to represent that group. target group. Yeah. Awesome. Thank

林赛Velecina 24:22

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 24:53

乔安娜Plaskonka 26:12
所以我也听说过交叉功能的问题。所以我的问题是,如果你在你的团队不是跨职能,如何创建产品增量?也许这是一个很好的起点,对吧?因为如果你没有需要的技能和专业知识,如何确保你有机会学习来收集反馈,反馈每一每一个冲刺,这可能是一个变化,巨大的变化改变游戏规则在您的流程做所有可能的事情让你的团队让他们成为第一个功能团队。第二,第二部分,麦克唐纳共享一些估计,估计一切。因为现在是的,看来你可能会错过一些一些一些数据,你怎么想,评估什么是可能的,可能是什么,有一个选择。不估计,使用历史数据。这是相当一致的经验主义。所以在实践中学习和借鉴历史,为将来做出最好的决策。如果你使用的信息例如,PBIS,你能够达到在以前的冲刺,平均而言,例如,或您将使用在一般情况下,所谓的流量指标。 So Kanban guide for Scrum teams, this might be an inspiration for you, you sometimes you don't have to focus the conversation on the giving actual estimate, for instance, in story points, maybe it's better to ask different questions, what are the risks? What are unknown things? What are the ambiguities here? What is the worst thing that may happen? And have this conversation to assess how to prepare well, during for instance, backlog refinement for the upcoming sprints? And instead, look, look at the history because the good news, what happens in the past, if you have transparency in your backlog is truth. So you will make decisions in that case, based on the data that was real, this is what happened. That was not a prediction of the future. It's about the history.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 28:40

林赛Velecina 29:23

乔安娜Plaskonka 30:14
如何改变你的角度吗?奇妙的问题。现在你引发了我,因为就我个人而言,当我教学类Scrum,我没有告诉,Scrum是一种工具来帮助你与你的交货或产品开发。我所说的相反,这是一个学习工具来最大化。这是一个工具,帮助我们管理风险。如果你在你的情况中,我觉得你的痛苦,因为我有这个谈话的领导人之一,他说,你做的很多,对吧。在机器人。所以它是困难的新算法涉及人工智能,对吧?人工智能不是新的,新事物,相信我。我学很长,很久以前的事了。 So new algorithm, new AI, hardware included, it was so many possibilities that something may go wrong. And it's good to have a conversation what what we actually did, what kinds of risks that we noticed that we find out and how did we manage them? So for instance, during sprint review, we started talking about what was the value of learning process, and the product delivery, product development came up as the consequence, consequence of that learning and risk management. So I think when it comes to very r&d work, it's good to make such things transparent. have this conversation with stakeholders, and show show what are you are doing when it comes to learning when it comes to, to mitigating managing risks. So that might be a changer that will help you facilitate better discussions?

林赛Velecina 32:12

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 32:38
对不起,我微笑,我觉得你的痛苦,我觉得这种疼痛。通常,我会直接来提出的一些想法和解决方案,为我工作,可能跳过他们乔安娜分享她的经验。所以当我觉得人们闲散,并不意味着它通常在线可以离线,他们在线时间之前发生,因为他们看不到任何事件的价值。例如,想象我们有一个回顾,每一个冲刺,我们提出一些想法,一些行为,但我们不实施。在一些冲刺。在像时间在流逝,我们看到,无论我们讨论,没有得到实现的整个工作,有检查,有不适应。所以我们的工作并没有得到改观。所以我们没有学习之前从我们所做的。这事件本身失去了价值,因为它没有对我们没有任何输出或结果。那么帮助我的团队是问他们,我们能做些什么在一起让这个事件更有价值吗? What needs to happen? Right? Is there a specific thing that needs to happen? What needs to change in this event to make sense, because what I'm kind of feeling but I'm just doing a hypothesis that maybe there's kind of a zombie Scrum. So you're doing the mechanics, you have all the events you have, you may have artifacts, you may have commitments, but however, some of the things are not working. So I'd say going back to the purpose, why each of those events exist? What how do they connect with each other? What happens after them what happens with the output, right? So if you create a planning and do you have a sprint goal? And do you ask and talk about the sprint goal during every day? Do you inspect it as you go along? Right? Do you really have the outcome out of the events? That will be my answer?

乔安娜Plaskonka 34:37
这是一个非常好的问题。谢谢你共享这一观点的玛格达。可能的一个场景。我可以想象,有时候人们只是不喜欢在一个更大的集团。如果你曾经促成更大的会议,很可能你意识到只有一小群说当它只是问问题。然后听好了。这就是为什么去年我们创建我们发布年度course@scrum.org。和对你的关键词是便利。所以我可以推荐,如果你寻找resources@scrum.org,有很多好东西,关键字是便利。有技术,您可以使用最大化。 However, maybe they will not talk out loud in this bigger group. But if they create valuable posts, their voice is there, and you can create outcomes from this meeting, here you go. So I think it's also a matter of respect that simply some people do not want to talk in the front of the bigger group. So I would, I would recommend, I would also recommend that direction. And I can also share something that happened to me recently, I had a group of 12 very good students, I have to say, because whenever they were doing some exercises, I've seen fantastic outcomes. But you know, when I was talking to them, all the cameras were off. And it's terrible. It's a terrible thing for the trainer, because basically, you are missing visual cues when you have this collaboration. So what I did, I took the advantage that the training was split over four days. And during the second day, one of the students called in earlier and we started conversation. And I told her that, you know, it's such a pity that I don't see your face, and she said, Okay, I will turn my camera off. And I said, Hey, it's such a great thing that you're here. Why are you not turning your camera on? I told you openly that it may affect my work, and I'm here for you. So she said, Well, I don't want to be the first one. And I told her, and at the same time, you can be leader you can lead by example, she stayed with camera on and till the end, or the whole training all the camera were cameras were on because this is what happened, I convinced her to stay with the camera on and the others decided to change, you know to have also this cameras on. So there are different leaders in your team, right?

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 37:23

乔安娜Plaskonka 37:35

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 38:19
关于回顾。还有一件事。有一个常见的误解,scrum master应该促进回顾。每个人都能做到scrum master只是确保它发生。它的效果是应该有每个人的参与。然而,你可以在一个旋转的基础上。这是一个很好的建议,约翰。谢谢你!

林赛Velecina 38:44

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 39:01

林赛Velecina 39:03

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 39:07

林赛Velecina 39:08

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 39:10
会给你一个sprint目标的一个例子,用户可以通过Facebook登录到我们的网站。这是一个短的每个人都知道这都是些什么。从用户的角度写的,你知道如何去实现它。所以你是你看着sprint目标时,你作为一个团队能够回答它什么时候会完成?你知道的影响是什么,你知道,什么是首选的输出会在年底冲刺呢?你知道去寻找。也在创建一个sprint backlog,据悉,每个人都是透明的,你知道哪些物品PBIS可以帮助您创建和交付sprint目标。请记住不是所有在这个sprint backlog需要坚持“疾跑”目标。可以是一个ppi,可能是10,PBIS,并不重要,可以是在该地区的PBIS sprint目标给你的目标。这就像短,从我身边很简短的回答。

乔安娜Plaskonka 40:16

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 40:32

乔安娜Plaskonka 40:35
到底谁是你的用户?所以我个人的建议是首先。我会添加一个。产品是什么?你的用户是谁?你的产品目标是什么?目前另外一个是什么?目前成熟的你的产品是什么?也许你有更多的产品,也许他们是在不同的水平?我问为什么,因为Scrum不是万能工具来修复它。 All right. It's, it's the not, if you have pure maintenance work, I used to have such work for some time, Scrum did not work perfectly. We were we felt that our work does not need those events. Instead, we focused on Dum Dum Dum Dum flow. So maybe there might be some other tools that will help you find the best possible approach and as a PSD, Scrum is in our names, I will still say it's okay not to Scrum, it may not be the best tool for you. However, what I observed is that one of the reasons why it's difficult to formulate sprint goal, which should be a step, you know, smaller step towards something bigger, something flexible, but as Magda showed us, in our example, something that helps understand why we are doing that. What is the value? Okay, so it has, it could be very easy to understand, by everyone involved. Why, why the scrum team is working on that. So, I would start with asking you, your team, your product owner, those questions, because those questions might lead you to a quite interesting

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 42:28

林赛Velecina 42:55

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 43:26

乔安娜Plaskonka 43:33

林赛Velecina 43:34

乔安娜Plaskonka 43:36
是的,我可以从你知道的,因为我觉得压力和责任,我觉得从一个角度,每一个这样的对话是很有挑战性的工作,所以我可以工作,我曾经工作与不同的领导人,包括C级别高管。我觉得有一些事情你必须要小心。如果你只是使用我们叫它在波兰一轮的话。所以你必须做它,因为它很好,因为它很好,因为每个人都说Scrum非常适合复杂的问题。这种语言,这可能会与他们对话。你为什么告诉我这些东西吗?为什么?不想让我分心,我有很多在我的桌子上。对吧?很好。 Good advice. Good approach, from my perspective is what kind of problems do you have? What bothers you? What are the things that you think about when you start work in the morning? So if you want to have a good collaboration with leaders, present yourself as a partner, so for me, what really, really pays off? Was having transparent, respectful conversations about problems? Helping leaders facilitate difficult discussions, one of the most difficult discussions that I had involved CEO, CTO and very valuable developer very experienced one. And there was a conflict, there was internal conflict. Very tough situation everyone is red seems like they are they are very unhappy. And I help them using Scrum values scrum principles to facilitate the discussion into the right direction. So I try to paraphrase what they were saying, for instance, Magda, did you mean that you wanted to emphasize that you care about your work? Yes, yes, this is what I wanted to say. You can imagine that it was a communication problem. And at the same time, it helps us to find the right questions. Okay, what we want to achieve, right, right, right. Now, what is your perspective, you ask one person, what is your perspective? So it helped, it helped, we were able to, to to have this conversation till the very end. And although finally this engineer, this developer decided to leave the company, I felt that we ended up this relationship as good colleagues with a lot of respect. And this is what in my view, Scrum is about about values about trust about respect. Yep. So I hope it helps, you know, do not talk about wonderful ideas, maybe change perspective, how can I help you what kind of problems you have, use the best that you know, we use the best your skills to help them? Because then you build a partnership. And they may ask you questions. So Monica, how can I help you do you do you have also some challenges. And here you go, you have now opening, pouring great conversations with important decision makers in the company.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 46:54
什么工作也对我说话的时候经理,和领导人,一些首席执行官问,为什么你想采用敏捷和scrum的?我们试着解决什么样的问题。如果你的问题是,比方说,一次,你想提高解脱,或者无论你做什么你的顾客,那么我们需要关注和构建我们的目标或产品目标或sprint洞。但是你不能解决每一个问题,你有。因为如果每件事情都是重要的,那么没有什么是重要的。对吧?所以回到你想要它的原因的。,真正帮助还在scrum指南的最后一行,虽然您可以使用scrum的一些元素,如果你想要的全功率检查和适应和透明度,需要采用scrum。你可以有活动,有工件和承诺。但是如果你辞去了每一个,你想要的价值首先将不会提供。 So if you want to have value, you need to adopt all of it and learn from it. Right? It's empiricism. So what helps is that? And also the other part, let me adapt to that. I often ask. I'm gonna be honest about budget about money, because the company's reason to exist is to bring customers the product they need they want. And the second one is to gain profit. So if you're choosing some kind of behavior, some kind of an action, how is this going to help profit your product, right? If it's called if you wanted to, if, if your actions as a micromanager, let's say if you want to micromanage your people, it takes a lot of your time. Right. So if you pass some things along, you'll have more time to do more valuable things for the company and for the product than micromanage. And maybe if you see some behaviors, like micromanagement, or any other behavior that might disrupt the work of the scrum team. Also try to get into reason behind that. Maybe there's a small step you can do towards there is this tool called delegation poker delegation word. That very roughly, I'm gonna go very quickly explained, there's more than one level of delegation. There are seven levels of delegation and moving from the first level, first of all, it's just telling someone to the next level with a bit of a selling point can be also a big step. So I'll also advise you to look at this tool. The delegation worked in delegation poker as a tool to have a discussion with your manager what thinks that he or she can give up?

乔安娜Plaskonka 49:53

林赛Velecina 50:15

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 50:50
我要试着回答有点不过,我缺少一些上下文。那些团队工作在同一产品或不呢?会喜欢一个关键问题,因为我要承担两方面,比方说如果这些团队正在做同样的产品,他们不应该代表他们自己的工作,每个团队,每个交付,因为他们工作在相同的产品,和他们所做的他们的总增量,是产品的增量。所以他们应该把它现在不是完美的词,我要去改变它,他们应该讨论它,和收集反馈一个增量交付,而不是一个接一个。在其他情况下,如果这五个团队正致力于完全不同的东西,他们可能有不同的利益相关者,他们有不同的用户不同的产品。所以它没有意义在一起坐在一起在一个会议上,因为有些人只是不感兴趣。而且,其他诸如对方注意,如果利益相关者说你的事件太长了,它回到价值的问题。它的价值给他们吗?他们需要什么?他们寻找什么样的信息? And what kind of feedback are they gathering? Do your stakeholders actually know what this event is for? Right? Maybe there's kind of a conversation between the scrum master product owner before that before the sprint review, what is what is important for them? When we do we have I have like a couple of teams working together. And one of the teams has is building a very broad product. So depending on who uses which kind of service of this particular product, there's a different target audience, what we do with every sprint review, we provide an agenda, saying what exactly what were the exact elements that we worked on during the last sprint, and only the people who are interested in that and can give you not only interest and then give you valuable feedback, because sprint review is a feedback session pretty much. So you can inspect and adapt towards your product. Or I also heard the word demo. Maybe if you're doing a demonstration, instead of collaboration, they do not feel involved or just sitting and looking at your product. If it's a software product, let them click on it. Let them use it. Get them involved. Sorry, that was supposed to be short answer, the longer so Joanna to you.

乔安娜Plaskonka 53:21
你说很多好东西了。阿曼达。谢谢你!所以我见过最好的一个sprint审查。这不是一个演示。记住,在Scrum中,我们从来没有谈论GMO。其实我们想要显示工作产品合作增加检查的增量。所以我看过的最好的会议首席执行官坐在电脑面前和他使用该产品。人们很惊讶我还记得,你知道的,看着潜在用户使用该产品,你知道,这是一个非常,非常好,事实上,我称之为协作和会话的反馈。记住,反馈不仅是谈话,我甚至会说我们有一些,一些研究,有些人声称跟人只是硬币的一面,最重要的是了解他们实际使用你的产品。 That is a really strong feedback part of your sprint review. And I would ask as Magda mentioned, what should be changed your stakeholders so that you will get value out of it? And what I implemented in one of on one of my situations, we had regular feedback service very short. However, we were constantly asking feel free to be invited to make change. We hear your feedback. So every sprint review, we did some small adjustment and you may be shocked how big changes happened when we when you compare first sprint review in They are and the last one, right? Because small changes, you know, regulary introduce inspecting, sometimes it means going back and forth, right. But those small changes made a huge, huge difference. So maybe you have also a product portfolio. And I wouldn't claim that it's not okay to have two hours working session, it might be a matter of how to do it well. So there are also some other techniques for Sprint reviews, when you want to do do such thing. Maybe you can use some breakout rooms, you will have some you know, introduction, what is going to happen in this breakout room, we are working together on this part and the other something else. What my teams also do, they send official information to all stakeholders, hey, we finished our planning, this is our sprint cup. So sprint has just started and the stakeholders are already informed, very straightforward for us in very straightforward way. This is our commitment. This is our sprint goal. So expect value when it comes to that particular goal.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 56:13

林赛Velecina 57:03
一些很棒的讨论。非常感谢你们。不幸的是,我们已经在我们的时间。这个时候真的飞过。仍然有很多开放的问题。就像我提到的,我将分享这些Jana和玛格达,我会与他们合作找出我们要如何解决这些问题。我们所做的这些会话运行大约一个月一次。所以请留意这些会话。只是一个提醒,我们确实有学习路径和scrum.org网站上很多免费资源。所以请检查这些。 And all of our webinars are also listed on the website. And please stay connected with us and with Jana and Magda, and Magda and Jana, if you want to let the audience know how they can best connect with you. That would be great.

马格达莱纳河Kucharska 57:54
是的,谢谢你。谢谢你,林赛。谢谢你,每个人都参与很多她的问题。我的意思是,我觉得会话可以在一天或两天没有尽头。所以最好的办法是通过LinkedIn找到我。所以随时通过LinkedIn邀请我。我看到约翰点头。所以可能,这也是最好的方式与我们取得联系。在条款的问题,我们将试着把它们变成一系列的博客ScrumOrg上。所以他们不会丢失,你可以访问它们直到永永远远。 Oh.

林赛Velecina 58:26

乔安娜Plaskonka 58:41

林赛Velecina 58:59
