





在PSTs Patricia Kong主持的《询问专业Scrum培训师》这一集中西蒙Flossmann而且大卫是回答你关于Scrum的迫切问题,以及你或你的团队在使用Scrum时可能面临的挑战,特别是在Scrum事件中,以及其他可能很难对事情做出决定的情况下,这些问题可以通过良好的促进技术和技能来解决。



大家好,欢迎来到询问PST专业scrum培训师。我叫帕特丽夏·孔。今天和我一起的是Simon Flossmann和David Spinks -你好,今天我们将讨论促进的力量,以及我们如何使用它来改善scrum事件,以及你在scrum和敏捷环境中可能面临的其他交互。在我们开始之前,先讲一些内务原则快速指南。像往常一样,麦克风静音。整个会议都被记录下来,并在网络研讨会结束后24小时内向每个人提供录音和幻灯片。这是PST提问,所以确保你通过问答提交你的问题。这就是我们看到他们的方式。今天由我来主持。简单提醒一下谁是群结点兽人。 from.org is us were a global community, thinking about training education in the Scrum and Agile space. So that handsome gentleman in the left that's Ken Schwaber, he is the CO-creator of Scrum and the founder of our company and an inspiration to me every day. So, David, why don't we go to you with a quick introduction of yourself?






我也要。是的,我叫西蒙。当我开始工作时,基本上,我是从产品负责人开始的,我总是在寻找如何与利益相关者合作的方法,基本上我让他们做工作。这就是我发现促进作用的方法。我开始收集所有的工具和技术,这些工具和技术有助于让其他人完成工作,并试图帮助他们完成工作。有一天我在跑步和回顾,我觉得还不错。我们用了大概10到15种技巧。在那之后,我的导师当时问我,哦,如果你做这么好的回顾。你的工具团队怎么样了?你是否为你的客户和用户提供了大量的价值。 And I said, Hold on a minute, what you're talking about users customers value, we don't deliver it all. And that makes me realize, at the end of the day doesn't matter what techniques you use, what tools you have, and how many, it's about the outcome, what you achieve with those tools. And from that day on. I'm looking for the simplest version to get to an outcome. And hopefully I can share a couple of lessons and examples throughout the date. That's me.


好吧。太好了。谢谢你!大卫,西蒙和我合作开设了一门新课程这门课是歧视组织刚刚推出的这门课是关于促进技巧的课程,我们特别在scrum环境下思考了它。所以在那门课程中,在那堂课上,你会发现我们经历过很多不同的场景,指导、培训、咨询,在Scrum团队或组织中。所以我们很乐意回答你们的一些问题你们所面临的一些典型的问题你们想从我们这里得到一些建议。大卫·斯宾克斯和我最近做的一件事是一个关于结盟和促进对话的概念的网络研讨会。任务围绕着我们认为存在的一致性。但是但是,你知道,在一天结束的时候,每个人都会退缩。我们不同意。 And we've talked through why is that? And so we had a lot of questions. And one of them I'd like to carry forward was really around this notion of a goal. So for instance, when you're in sprint planning, and instead of asking David, I'm gonna ask Simon, because he likes he likes hard questions. How do you how do you think about facilitation? And the team? And what could what could be improved when you get into the situation where you're in sprint planning, and the team gets to the end, and they talk about all these things, and they just can't agree on a sprint goal. And the dynamics that you have in there obviously, are the different accountabilities, right, and the different values. So you think about commitment, people can agree to a goal. What does that mean? You think about product, the product owner? Should the product owner say, Hey, this is the goal, we're moving forward? I've certainly done that. So what do you what do you what is your suggestion? And how do you think about that in terms of facilitation?


这是个有趣的问题。我有过几次。所以这正是scrum指南中所写的产品负责人提出冲刺目标的方式。开发人员或多或少会投入其中,这是不对的。所以scrum指南,更多地提到,说整个团队都致力于这个目标。这个团队,就像产品负责人提出一个目标,团队或团队的其他成员必须致力于这个目标。但它并没有持续太久。大多数时候,冲刺计划花了很长时间,没有人真正致力于目标,因为每个人都认为,好吧,这是不可行的,这是不可行的。我改变的一个方法是,这是一个艰难的想法。在计划开始时,我要求每个人提出一个冲刺目标,而不仅仅是产品负责人。 So we had 10 people in the team, then we had 10 different goals. And now we looked at so how can we converge those different goals? So where are the similarities? Where are the differences and why? So we spent a lot of time thinking about the goal. But on the long run, this helped the team actually to own the decision, which resulted more in a commitment towards it. A one structure you can use here, for instance, I guess everybody knows this one is this one to four, where you give everybody a minute and silence to think about a goal, then come up, pair up with other person, try to combine those goals or refine it even more and then enforce sums. So you can really click quickly generate two to three goals. And that's something you can start with.


从这开始,你谈到了彻底解放结构。这是他们进入的好方法,你知道,让我们,让我们,让我们假设有一个安全的环境。它不是关于,哦,我们提出了这个目标。反正没人在乎我说了什么,让我们去掉一些,那个环境需要存在。也许这是另一个话题。如果还有其他问题,我们可以解答。如果你只剩下234个呢?还是五个目标?还是三个目标?因为我们跟收敛的人谈过? How would How would you decide which one then is the sprint goal? Because the other thing that you can end up that we're familiar with? Is a list? Yes. David, do you want to take that?


是的,这确实是我经常看到的。甚至到目前为止,有些Scrum团队可能会在一个sprint中引入七个产品待办事项列表项,然后他们会实现这些sprint目标中的每一个?这种事我见得多了。我想问这群人一个很简单的问题,什么是最重要的?这些目标中最有价值的是什么?因为在Scrum中,没有什么规定说我们不能做其他事情。我们只需要把注意力集中在一件事上。这就是我的问题。在我们确定的这些目标中,作为一个团队,与产品负责人合作,我们能决定什么决定什么是最重要的什么是最有价值的?这是我们的冲刺目标,其他一切都是额外的奖励。 So we can still bring that into the sprint planning. We want to create create that focus on that one thing. Why wouldn't want to see as this just mash up to and then combine this big long goal when we're having to write a paragraph to describe it. Because again, we're losing that focus.




想想最重要的一件事,也许是最重要的一件事,但最新版本的scrum指南中最重要的一件事是产品目标。所以有了产品负责人的清晰愿景,这就是我们努力的方向。这是产品的愿景。所以我想,问这个问题,我们在冲刺计划中制定的冲刺目标是怎样的?这将如何引导我们朝着产品目标迈进一步?所以我认为牢记产品目标是很重要的。再一次,我认为这是,再一次,有透明度他在哪里帮助的增量的当前状态,下一步是什么?再一次,我认为,不仅要考虑我们的产品backlog上有什么,还要考虑我们的用户体验。所以,这不仅仅是在sprint计划中发生的事情,也是我们从sprint评审中得到的反馈。所以我认为所有这些都是相辅相成的。 So I think, again, bringing it back to stakeholder feedback, and what customers actually yeah, saying this should be helping to feed into those decisions.




是的。所以从一般的角度来看,我认为Scrum与工作无关。更重要的是价值。这也会指导你。有四个冲刺,目标创造和其他目标。价值的意思是,它是开始为用户或客户解决问题的最简单的方法。所以从这一点开始,这是一个很好的价值指示。我有一个团队,我们有很多基于活动的目标。那么我们在做什么呢?提供一些特性,一些测试环境。我们做的一件事是为了获得更多的价值,而不是为用户提供平台的日志功能,我们的目标是,我不知道,成功锁定10个用户在平台上。 It looks like a small change. But it's a whole nother ballgame now, because you need to find users who are actually logging into the platform. And this is more value or outcome focused. And I think the the hint or the insight I would give, make it tangible. From a user perspective, what is different for the user, after the sprint? What can he or she do now? That would be a tip.


谢谢你!谢谢你们两个。我从一个与会者那里得到了一个铰链,就在昨天。所以我在聊天室里发了一篇博文供大家阅读。对我来说,作为一个研究循证管理的人,我赞同你所说的结果,思考一下,我们为什么要这样做,我甚至喜欢这样说我的PBIS,但在scrum.org上有很多。制定目标是很难的。因此,这是非常重要的,有促进对话。我们继续讲一点,有些类似的东西。我们可以回到冲刺计划。我想看看其他的一些问题。 Is, Simon You and I talked about the process, the process of the sprint planning and the sprint merger best retrospective being kind of similar. So one of the questions that we have here is, what do you do when no one is participating or sharing their opinion in the sprint retrospective? What facilitation techniques might you use? And I'll take it further and say, what if that means that during the sprint, you're actually not trying to improve anything?


好吧,这是一个很难的问题,没有上下文。可能有一百万个原因可以解释为什么会这样。第一个是,也许人们很安静。也许这里的人比较安静。也许他们需要更多的时间来思考,所以你会催促他们,不是每个人都喜欢制作便利贴或类似的东西。有时候真正重要的是对话。你需要为合适的人找到合适的风格。这可能是一个问题。你可以尝试一些其他的事情,我认为如果人们很难说出来,也许你在那个方向上错过了一点心理安全,也许你尝试了一些非常不同的东西。这里有一个扭转的想法,或者我们称之为制造灾难从一开始,我们能做什么来让一切变得更糟? at something, you could try to lose people a little bit because everybody knows, okay, this will not happen. So I can make something up, which opens up to people. So that could be the immediate least step what you can do. But also, you should look at the surroundings. So what happens outside of the team, which creates conditions like that in your sprint retrospective? That's also something we could investigate a little bit more,




是的,我经常看到这个问题。在很多培训课上也经常被问到这个问题。对我来说,我想的是目标是什么。对我来说,我的目标不是作为一个促进者,不是让每个人都贡献或发言。对我来说,我想确保这些想法都能出来。所以如果有人很内向,他们觉得自己不能增加价值,或者他们觉得没有必要做出贡献,我认为我们应该考虑尊重那个人的价值,让他有这样的立场,这很好。但让我困扰的是如果有一个潜伏的好主意却没有出来。所以对我来说,就像我说的,目标不是让每个人都发言,而是确保有合适的环境让想法浮出水面。所以,西蒙说,这很大程度上取决于环境,环境是什么样的只有少数人觉得心理安全,可能会使用一些技术让人们可以匿名地发表他们的想法,也许是一个意见箱或类似的东西,在冲刺阶段人们可以把匿名的想法放进去。然后我们会在冲刺时打开它。 And just go through as a group, we don't know where the idea come from, but it kind of kicks off that conversation, or even in the retrospective itself, have people just add ideas on post it notes and put them on a board and maybe do some sort of affinity map technique where give a few minutes for everybody to think about, you know, we can use classic retrospective techniques like what? What went well, what didn't go well capture your thoughts on post it notes anonymously, we just put them on a board, we don't care where the thoughts have come from, then we can arrange the look for where we've got duplicates, or where we can form groups around themes, etc. And then that's starting a conversation as a group together. Why do we as a collective where we got that sense of merging?






事件。在我们继续之前,我想我们应该澄清一下对促进这个词的理解。如果我没记错的话,是法语。这意味着一些事情,让团队更容易,我想说的是让团队更容易。所以我认为这会让团队更容易得出具体的结果。通常情况下,如果你想到Scrum事件,就会给出结果,所以在冲刺计划中,我们希望有一个冲刺目标等等。现在如果你把这个想法和体育的一般想法结合起来,或者是软件开发的一般想法,如果某件事很难,你就需要更经常地去做。好吧,如果它很难发布到生产,你应该多做一些。冲刺回顾的想法并没有它没有好处或者没有效果,也许你需要更经常地做它。有一个简单的方法,为什么不每天做一个回顾呢,只是一个非常小的回顾,让人们习惯它,分享他们对一天的观察。 Something like that. So they get it's like, kind of behavior change. Because oftentimes, what I see retrospective is such a big thing, three hours, the whole team different room and this makes a little bit Whoa, what people what shall I do here now. And if you make it a little bit more like a ritual, like every day, it's quite natural. It's also something you could change and do it everyday. At the end of the workday. Everybody provides a short feedback about the day and you have something Okay, now the other question what happens or what should we do? as facilitator if the team does not pick up the retrospective improvement item.




所以有一些,也许我们需要澄清背景。所以首先要明白的是,即使你进行了冲刺,世界也不会神奇地慢下来。所以他们可以在接下来的冲刺中看到很多事情,也许还有更重要的事情。这就是进步。没有人知道。所以假设生产环境坏了,也许这更重要。假设情况并非如此,团队仍然没有发现它。我认为这可能是一个迹象,不是每个人都看到了它的价值,或者确实做出了贡献。所以我想有一个术语叫做强结果,意思是每个人都为此做出贡献。更有可能的是,每个人都真正拥有改变,并尽一切努力去改变它。 So maybe we can dig a little bit deeper into that one.




是的,我认为,我们总是在思考这些活动的目的是什么,我们试图从中得到什么。我希望大多数人在团队中一起工作,你知道他们喜欢和彼此一起工作。但我认为有一件事是我们要小心一点,那就是我们不要试图强迫太多的乐趣。你提到的例子,是我最近在软件开发课程上的一个专业的scrum课程,你需要敏捷的冲刺,我们在三天的时间里进行三个冲刺,一个非常短的冲刺,非常短的时间,10分钟的回顾。其中一个团队仍然觉得他们必须做一个有趣的破冰。所以他们开始互相讲笑话。这些人是,你知道,他们彼此合作,他们彼此了解,他们彼此相处得很舒服。所以他们几乎觉得有义务做一些有趣的事情来开始回顾展。就像教练说的,你只有10分钟。你们花时间给对方讲笑话,这是如何帮助你们理解如何提高Sprint成绩的。 So I think those things are important, but it's we shouldn't lose context of the goal of what we're trying to get out from a particular event. Other extremes I've seen for that for for Sprint retrospectives. Another team I remember working with, they were quite new to Scrum and doing it for a few months. And I asked them what was the purpose of the sprint retrospective? And with a straight face, the answer was to moan. And it's again, that's that's missing the point. So you've kind of got those extremes. It's always thinking about what is the purpose of the events? How can we, how can we create a format or facilitate in such a way that we're getting towards the outcome that we want and we're not just getting what we definitely want to have fun while we're doing it want to bond as a group, but it's still thinking with the end goal in mind.








是啊,说实话,我不太喜欢破冰。但我从我们的同事鲍里斯那里学到了一个非常有趣的问题。我们一起在免费训练中使用它。当你开始Zoom通话时,我们用名字来改变我们的名字,然后我们在哪里。比如,我们的第一份工作是什么,我们的第一场音乐会或电影是什么,我们每半天就换一次。人们也可以加入进来。所以他们看到,好吧,有一些不同的东西,我可以改变,我的名字不好,或者但是他们不必这样做。所以我认为一个非常重要的因素是,即使你在其他事情上都使用破冰方式,你也需要为人们提供不这样做的可能性。好吧,如果你觉得不舒服,就不要做。所以你需要建立某种工作协议。 Nobody has to do these kinds of things. Otherwise, it's, for me, it's too much. Sometimes I'm not feeling making jokes, but everybody else does. And then I'm feeling very uncomfortable, and which puts me in a very bad situation or bad mood, which will not help for the upcoming event. Let's say,




我觉得我没有回答上一个问题。如果团队没有选择该项目会发生什么,我想给出至少一个行动提示,使其透明,改进项目应该是sprint backlog的一部分。因此,这可能会在日常会议中引发一场对话。所以,一切都在进行中。但这一个可能不是他们自己看到的。这是你能做的最简单的事情。我打了,我错过了这个。








我喜欢走板技术,我们专注于sprint backlog,我们观察工作实际上是如何进展的?我们问的不是工人的问题,而是工作的问题。所以不要对一个人说,帕特丽夏,你昨天做了什么?你今天打算做什么?你有什么障碍吗?我们可以对作品本身提出这些问题。那么这个产品待办事项列表项怎么样了?产品待办事项列表x项如何?昨天进展如何?今天的进展如何? And are there any impediments? So we're focused on making progress with the work? I find that that leads to a much more sort of synchronized discussion? If we asking the traditional three questions, we might see what you're doing yesterday. What are you? What are you going to do today? Then we might go to Simon who's talking about another item that we might go to a 13th member who then talks about something that they paired with you on for example. And we're kind of jumping all over the context a little bit. So when we focus on the work week, for me, I think we get a lot clearer alignment of what's happening to the work. And I think the con with that is what if what if there's somebody who hasn't really spoken, because we're talking about what's happened to the work. So some might see that that was a poor technique as a way that some people can potentially maybe hide in terms of what they're what they're actually doing. But again, I'm hoping with visualization techniques like avatars on the work items that because I can kind of alleviate that a little bit. But yeah, that can be a bit of a danger with that technique.




是的,我不想把太多精力放在技术上。大卫在这方面做得很好。因此,我认为作为scrum管理员,你可能犯的最大错误就是一进来就开始改变和添加技术。所以我认为,如果你从一个新的团队开始,至少要观察两到三周。也许还有另一个步骤。所以这是最重要的引导技巧之一,我认为是观察。下一件事是假设良好的意图,人们很有可能不知道如何让它变得更好,因为他们不知道每天的会议结果应该是什么。所以也许可以开始教育所有事件的结果,然后让他们从一到五打分。你认为你是如何在不像日常scrum那样具体的情况下实现这些结果的?如果每天的scrum有一个评级,一个低评级,那么也许我能帮你吗? And now you can start changing something because I see so many people who just adding techniques, and I don't think now it's facilitation, because they make it even harder for the team. Okay, you say, Okay, you make something wrong, you need to do it like that, and so on. And so on with this approach, I think you are more helpful, so you do a better facilitation chop, and then we can use what we already hear from David. But I think the first step is the important one. That are my two cents.


谢谢你!太好了。这些真的,真的很有帮助。我发现它很有用。所以我们有很多问题要解决。如果我们不能回答你们所有的问题,也许这意味着我们将再举办一次这样的会议。我们将会讨论剩下的问题,或者通过博客之类的方式来回答。但我们肯定看到了所有的问题。所以让我们继续Sprint回顾。大卫,在冲刺回顾中,这是我们一直遇到的问题,当所有人都很安静的时候你会做什么? The second level of that is what do you do when no one attends? So how do we improve collaboration? And especially how do we, how do we think about engaging stakeholders and getting their feedback? And, and, and, you know, we're looking at that as a team so that we can move forward into planning to work on a new fun goal. What do you think?


说到如何让人们参与,我最近参加了一次关于某家公司的谈话,这家公司正遭受这个问题的困扰。以前的建议是带蛋糕,但如果有如果有食物,蛋糕,饼干,人们就会被吸引。这项技术已经被抛在了一边,因为我们比我想象的要多得多,当我们谈论sprint评审的目的,从我们的涉众那里获得反馈时,我们非常普遍地使用这个术语涉众,我认为一个有用的技术是涉众映射,它可以识别不同类型的涉众,以及他们需要如何保持信息?因为他们中的一些人,是的,他们对你的产品感兴趣。但是,比方说,从金融的角度来看。他们需要得出这样的观点,也许不只是定期给他们发一份报告。所以这是确定不同类型的利益相关者,可能会寻找不同的群体,并提出一个计划,关于你如何与哪些人互动。所以我们真正感兴趣的是那些对我们的产品有很大影响的利益相关者。这些是我们需要的,在冲刺回顾中。这又回到了透明度问题上。 So I think it's useful to make maybe we can record the sprint review, maybe we can produce some meeting minutes, maybe we can produce a report on how the product backlog has been adapted as a result of the conversations and sprint review. And this This is this is what's happened in the sprint review. If you want to have skin in the game in terms of influencing the product backlog, then you need to be an attendee, that's what we're trying to communicate. If you're not there, if you're just kind of throwing requests over the sort of fence at the team, you're not really going to be treated as potentially a first class stakeholders, some of the other state by the product owner, and potentially some of those other stakeholders. So again, there's an education piece here, talking about what the purpose of the sprint review is. And again, ship educating in terms of is that formal opportunity for the stakeholders to have that touch point with the scrum team and if they want to influence the product backlog, this is the best way to do it.


所以这里有一些有趣的谢谢你还有一些有趣的阅读资源听众可能会找到。有趣。我想我们确实做了,我们确实做了一个关于促进技术的网络研讨会。这是一个关于出勤率的大话题和一些不同的技巧。当然,有一个由Ravi Verma创作的V对数实际上,David,叫做,为什么没有人来参加我的派对?也许这是一件很有帮助的事情。我们会看到它们在哪里。西蒙,你有什么想补充的吗?


哦,是的。我猜你是个scrum管理员。我们需要明白,这种促进是有局限性的。所以,促进,我将其定义为让小组获得共同的理解并达成共同的结果。就是这样。这并不是你作为scrum管理员所能做的唯一的事情,也许你需要改变你的方法,采取不同的立场,也许你需要改变组织的部分来让人们进行这些冲刺评审。问题是,如果你开了一个派对,或者创造了一个产品,没有人会神奇地告诉你为什么你需要邀请他们。即使你邀请了他们,你也要告诉他们,这对他们有什么好处。在大多数的冲刺评测中,我发现我自己也做得很糟糕。我们是一个团队。 Nobody cares about you as a team, from a stakeholder perspective, what's in it for me from a stakeholder? So gather those information. And if you present those information in the sprint review, it's more likely that people are coming.


谢谢你!我认为这也要考虑到你需要反馈的人的性格和日程安排,他们通常,也许通常不是,但他们中的一些人就像,我是一个很忙的人,对吧?所以当他们到达那里时,他们想要他们想要了解正在发生的事情的影响和结果,以及其中的价值。好吧。我们来谈谈冲刺的时候,西蒙,如果我能和你在一起的话。有个问题。这很好地将我们引向了其他关于冲突的话题。但是这个问题说的是,在我的团队中,我们有很少的人,他们很有发言权,他们的表现很好。还有一些人根本不分享。我不知道这是否意味着他们的高表现。 What would you suggest, from a facilitation perspective? What could that person do to foster more participation? And kind of keep the balance of the team? And the reason I'm asking you, because you and I think a lot about scaling, when you add people onto a team, what happens to that, and just the balance of the the the notion of participation, and I think this might be a great place to talk about strong outcomes and weak outcomes.


是的。所以我们通常遇到的情况是,如果人们非常直言不讳,很快就能提供他们的想法。当然,这些都是很棒的想法,但我们可能会错过一些其他的想法。有一个缺点就是,如果一个人开始大声说话,我们有一种现象叫做群体思维,对于其他人来说,通常会跳到相同的想法上,如果有人已经说了一些东西,就很难有一个不同的想法。为了最大限度地提高不同想法的多样性,我们应该注意到每个人都有时间思考,每个人都可以在一开始就提出他们的想法,有一些技巧,你可以做什么,你可以问每个人,请把你的想法写在便利贴上,贴在墙上。这一切都是无声的,至少我们了解了所有的想法,然后下一步我们就可以开始讨论了。现在有些人说话很大声,说了很多话,也许你需要引入一些不同的技巧,让每个人都有相同的时间说话。所以你可以用圆基计时来做。所以你是第一个发表观点的人,你是第二个人,你有一分钟的时间发表观点,以此类推。这些都是你可以尝试的。 That would, what that would might take.






这很好地把我们带到了关于冲突的其他几个问题。我认为你在那里传授了一些很棒的技巧。这里有一个很有趣的问题,关于当你有一个同事或团队成员,他们总是看起来像是在指责你,我喜欢大声说出来,他们总是在寻找错误的反馈。这给我们带来了团队内部的冲突。另外,我想先做个前言,因为我正在写一篇关于这件事的文章。但是,当我们是一群有创造力的人聚集在一起,我们试图在一个复杂的领域工作,就会有冲突,应该有冲突,因为我们有不同的想法。所以我们要做的就是,一起想出一个更好的新点子。但这有时取决于安全,环境导致冲突,指责,导致所有这些事情。西蒙,你有关于你个人伤疤的故事吗?或者你的工作经历会非常具体。 And then I remember we were being recorded about conflict, and just, you know, what have you done that's worked or not worked? Well, from a facilitation standpoint? Maybe in a team? people arguing almost?


我认为首先我们需要诚实地面对自己,我们是否能够驾驭或解决冲突。所以我不认为这是scrum管理员的典型标准。我认为如果所有事情都是关于手头的主题,你可以使用促进,这是关于找到最好的想法,结合想法得出一个共同的结果,完全没问题。但是如果你遇到冲突或者RIA冲突,它不是关于主题,而是关于你的对与错。它更多的是关于不被接受的人和行为,如果你真的想这样做,我们应该非常小心。如果你有能力的话,因为这很容易让事情变得更糟。现在,就像我过去用的一样,有一个测试来看看我们在哪里。所以你能听到的一件事是,它真的是关于主题的,它是关于主题的,一个好主意还是一个坏主意,或者是关于这个人的。你又提了个糟糕的主意。嗯,这是你需要寻找的东西。 And then you could ask a question, please. Say me something good about the person? What do you like about him? And if the other person cannot provide anything what he likes about the other person, then you have a serious conflict. And then it's not more not about the topic in hand and it's about the people and then you need to decide, am I capable of navigating or facilitating this kind of conflict? And if not, put the people in different rooms and get some somebody who can help you. And I think that's the term of professional as a professional scrum master you need to be aware of What you can do, and what you cannot do and where we are in terms of the conflict from the levels. So that's the first thing. And if you don't have such a high conflict where it's about people and not about the topic in hand, and one thing when you always should try to do is every person should have the time to provide the ideas. And everyone should listen to the other ideas. And that's the crucial point. Okay, make sure that everybody listens to what the others are saying. And that's one thing to resolve a very light way conflict.




我想我也会开始的。但我也见过冲突发生在团队的不同成员之间,以及团队成员之间。我认为重要的是要记住,当我们谈论促进时,这不仅仅是Scrum master的工作。最终,scrum管理员是团队的教练。那么,scrum管理员能不能教团队或者指导团队为自己提供便利?我认为如果我能进入那种状态进入那种状态,那么我们就处于一个非常健康的位置。例如,我们可以让开发人员促进他们自己的日常scrum吗?所以这并不总是关于Scrum Master,我认为补充一点很重要。


所以你想问这些问题?我会让观众知道我接下来要说什么。我们将讨论促进以及谁在团队中起到促进作用以及中立的概念。我认为我们应该谈谈细化,然后我们会回到一般的促进,还有很多问题。那么David,你能谈谈在scrum团队中不同的人是如何发挥作用的吗?你能谈谈中立和你如何参与吗?例如,如果我是scrum管理员,我正在推动回顾,我该做什么,因为现在我们有另一个冲突和安全问题。你谈到了团队对抗Scrum Master。


是的,当然。所以,再一次,这只是认识到你有其他帽子到你的位置。同样,如果作为一个scrum团队,我们同意这个回顾,那么scrum管理员就是促进者。但是请记住,scrum管理员是scrum团队的一部分。所以他们是以同伴的身份参与的。所以,是的,他们应该从参与短跑的意义上参与进来,希望如此。所以,我认为这又一次使用了正确的技术。例如,如果我们讨论回顾,但如果我看一些东西,例如,如果我们使用计划扑克来确定规模,scrum管理员可以促进这一点。但如果是scrum主管,但他们也是开发人员,他们可以参与计划扑克。他们可能会运行这些活动,但他们会作为开发人员提出问题,他们也会作为开发人员进行评估。 The point is that they're they're running the meeting without sort of jumping in and saying, right, let's do planning poker, I think it's the 13th. But let's see what everybody else thinks. It's still trying to remain neutral and running the event in such a way that they're keeping things flowing. But they're not sort of biasing or influencing the rest of the group, because they're seen as the facilitator, tricky to do, but I think it's just being aware of it, I think, is the first step. So in terms of the retrospective, again, if we're using a technique, like 124, all like Simon mentioned, or if we're using just capturing ideas and sticky notes and doing some sort of affinity mapping, again, the scrum master sort of just explaining this is a technique that we're going to do, I'm going to take apart as a as a team member, as well.




是的,我认为我们应该从每一个促进开始实际上的目的是什么,目标是什么?我不知道具体细化环节的目标是什么,我想,大概的目标是用五分钟时间更好地理解产品产品待办事项列表。这里,它可以更具体。那么实际的结果是什么呢?我认为你能帮助团队的第一件事是让它更容易得到我们正在寻找的具体结果是什么?这是第一件事。如果你现在已经澄清了这个问题,那么有什么可能的步骤可以达到这个目标呢?它可以开始,什么时候开始?你有一个小时,两个小时,等等吗?什么,什么事情需要讨论? And so I would do it a little bit more dynamic? And so what are the topics you would like to discuss in order to get to that outcome? And maybe the next thing is, okay, how much time should we need for each of those topics? That would be a very lightweight approach. And then maybe we need to add on a little bit more, and try to involve everyone and so on. But I think the first thing is you need to create some kind of frame for the refinement. So where do we go? What's the time books? Who should be here? Who should not be here? And so on? How do we make decisions? This would be my first idea




是的,一个棘手的问题。生存能力,这是个很大的词。这可能意味着技术上可行吗?这个产品是否有市场?所以这是我们工作性质的一部分,我们要处理很多未知数。所以,真正的问题是我们能做些什么来尽可能便宜和快速地测试这个想法?真的。在Scrum中,我们谈论的是在每个sprint中完成增量,这样我们就可以把一些东西交到客户手中来释放价值,同时也得到反馈。我认为敏捷领域的很多思考都是基于这一点。但我们能想到的是这是我们能做的最便宜,最快的方法来检查这些东西的可行性。 It could actually be the most expensive we think we do is to actually build the product. Could we do something in a more lightweight way, such as build a prototype? And, you know, get some feedback on that from some key users? Could we carry out maybe just some, some surveys and ask users about potential ideas that we've got? So rather than build the product and put it out there and hope for the best, we're looking for more lightweight ways of testing ideas. So yeah, I think that's that's kind of going to that next level of how do we get even faster feedback on something to again, have more confidence on the journey that we're taking?


是的,我同意。好吧。所以我们只有不到一分钟的时间,我们有六分钟的时间来详细说明我们还剩下什么。有一些有一些很好的问题。我认为如果我们不谈论远程和混合的东西,以及一些不同的想法,那就太疏忽了。有一个特别的问题,说我的远程团队非常大,有将近20人。有时他们试图分裂团队,但总的来说,这是一个大型的scrum团队。西蒙,你怎么。他们不在的时候你怎么。你如何保持这种粘性,尤其是在scrum活动期间?你会怎么做? This stuff? I'm very sorry. They're reluctant to turn on their cameras. So what techniques can you use to get everyone engaged? And so I'm thinking even in a hybrid environment that's hard to you might have some people who are on online some people were not and that creates an unbalanced what are some what are some, I guess, ideas and observations that you have around this remote and hybrid way of working from a facilitation standpoint?


好的,我们有两种形式。首先,这是一个技术问题。所以如果你没有正确的技术,这是很困难的。所以,无论团队规模有多大,为了充分参与,你需要分成更小的团队。这是已知的。这在虚拟环境中很大程度上取决于你能不能做到。这是一件事。另一件事是如果人们不启动摄像机。我认为作为一名scrum管理者,你需要在scrum价值和价值观方面成为一个榜样,也许你需要非常开放。指出来,嘿,我看到你们很多人都不开机。 I think has this and this outcome, or this in this downside? What does the rest of you think? And this opens now, the opportunity for you to facilitate the discussion. Because if people now are replying to your answer, you can ask, okay, can everybody share their opinion and so on to get progress here. Because sometimes we think it's a problem, but it's actually not a problem for the team, it's just a problem for you. And that's, that's a very dangerous thing we need to be pay attention. So you need to somehow get better technology. If this is an issue, you need to figure out if it's really a problem for the group. And if it's so help the group to overcome it. And my understanding, you cannot force people, but you can always encourage people and show them the benefits, if they would contribute with camera on and so on. But to be honest, there's no silver bullet magic pill, which immediately works at least I don't know it. Maybe David knows the silver bullet.








没错,就是这样。是的。每个人讲的笑话都很有趣。我回到我回到那些促进原则,我们有scrum价值观。我们在PSFS课上讲过促进原则。我认为它们是很好的指导,是可以依靠的好东西。所以我想的一件事是,我们明确了它的目的吗?这次活动有明确的目的吗?这个目的实现了吗?也许我想要监控那个疗程或事件之后发生了什么。举个例子,我们讨论过sprint回顾。 We know that the purpose of the sprint retrospective is for a scrum team to inspect and adapt itself come up with some improvement actions, right? Yes. If we're coming out with Sprint Retrospective with that, that's great. But is that being followed up on has that purpose been fulfilled in terms of not just coming up with that action, but being followed up on so purposefulness is one of those facilitation principles that I might test myself against? And I might be looking at the others. Just very quickly, you know, was it healthy to feel people feel psychologically safe? How is transparency? What about participation, a lot of stuff that we've been talking about today. So falling back to those first principles as a way that I've measured myself.


非常感谢你们两位。有很多信息。谢谢所有在听的人。在聊天中有很多不同的资源,我们会在讲义中列出。你的很多问题都会看到他们。我们在那里有很多资源。我们又做了一次网络研讨会。这是大卫·斯宾克斯和我。西蒙正在做一门关于德语促进的课程。如果这是一种你能说懂的语言。 So you can get more questions there. But thank you very much for attending. And we'll see you again soon.
